Ballests, are they bad for you??


Active Member
Hey guys. I have 400w grow in my closet and I've nodiced that my energy levels have been super low, trying to get outta bed, feeling very tired.. So I was just thinking that with such a electronic device pulling power no more then 5 feet away could that be affecting me? I know that some ppl don't even sleep with an alarm clock/cell phone next to their head. Didn't see anything when I searched, thouht I'd bring it up, thanks. Jah.


Well-Known Member
just no, not very often do i think people might need to lay off the green but if you are blaming your stonerdom on a ballast in your closet??? you might be smokin a little much lol


Active Member
400w isn't actually as much power as you might think. It certainly wouldn't cause any noticeable effects like that. The only thing I could imagine would be if the sound was keeping you from sleeping well, though they really only make a little hum.


Active Member
just no, not very often do i think people might need to lay off the green but if you are blaming your stonerdom on a ballast in your closet??? you might be smokin a little much lol
Haha quite true.

I find that if I smoke right before I go to bed, I don't sleep as well and am very tired and sluggish the next day.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's the harmonics. Ballasts make a bit of humming noise. Does noise disturb you easily when you sleep? If so, you'll probably get used to it after a while. The sound of my powerful bubble rig is like kitten purrs to me. :-P


Active Member
Thanks guys, was just'a thought. Oh, and I'm a tolerence break so I don't think that smoking is the cause. Wasn't trying to make the ballest the scapegoat lamo. I love that thing. It's just that I know that electricticy can effect ppl in different ways, just thought I'd check if anyone has ever had issues. Thanks, Jah.

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, was just'a thought. Oh, and I'm a tolerence break so I don't think that smoking is the cause. Wasn't trying to make the ballest the scapegoat lamo. I love that thing. It's just that I know that electricticy can effect ppl in different ways, just thought I'd check if anyone has ever had issues. Thanks, Jah.
I've heard you can easily construct some kind of electronic wave blocking device using common aluminum foil. If you place this on your head it should prevent the ballast rays from piercing your brain.

it should sort of look like this


good luck.