Balactus - Return of the Grow Journal - Bagseed Edition.


Well-Known Member
I am all done, waiting to see when the temps become stable without help or anything and being closed. The case is still cool from the last time AC cycled on. I have it running now, its about 83 in the room that the box is in. The reader is hanging right below the exhaust light trap. Temps were stable for a little bit at 87.6 but then jumped up a bit to 88.1 Hopefully they won't keep going up. Its gonna be much easier to deal with when winter rolls around.


Well-Known Member
Temps are staying at 88.1. Light proofing at 99.9 percent. Theres a couple spots where the door opens but I am just gonna solve that but always keep a black shirt draped over that part so no light in or out. Otherwise its all good. I think I am gonna grab me another power strip so I can hook up my light timer and start moving them towards 18/6. Carbon filter is attached and working. I'll grab Ona Gel in a couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
Yeah looks like I am good to go minus the temps. Sits between 87 and 89. Has yes to go over to 90 tho which is a plus. They look good too, none of them looks affected by heat. The bulb fan blowing has the younger 2 in its path. Prolly why they are bigger than the older one. More CO2 hitting their leaves.


Active Member
the light trap you just made works just as well!! the only dif is setting two more planks of that poster board ofset so there is no direct line for the light to take, like F A B said, light cant bend, just reflect, the more it has to reflect to get somewhere the less light that actually gets therre.
Sorry I havent been on here to help, but FAB seems to be on it!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was thinking that. I'll mess with it later or tomorrow. I am having problems with the 2 larger ones leaves. Their first set of leaves are dry and crinkly feeling. They are only about a week old since they sprouted out of ground. Their second set looks okay but still developing so unsure on how they will be.


Active Member
Patience will go a long way. I am still learning that. I chopped a plant too early on my first harvest and missed out on some good smoke. Since you only in veg light proofing isn't an issue, something to keep working on but it won't ruin anything as of now.
And I'm still super shitty at diagnosing plant problems. I only know mag, N, and pH by looking at it. Other thann that your gonna need someone else, sry bro


Well-Known Member
No worries man I appreciate the help you've been able to give me and I thank FAB for giving me that drive to keep on growing. I'll toss a couple pics up. Their little seed leaves are almost gone. One of them is yellowing off and dying and the others just simply look much smaller compared to the plant as a whole. I moved them a tad away from the light to give them a little bit of some growth. I came home from a long work day to see how much they have grown. The 2 in the dixie cups I think may have came from the same bud cause they are growing almost identical in terms of leaf growth. The older one is developing much thinner looking. I'm not expert and this is after all my first grow but I'm going to suspect I've got 1 sativa dominant variety and 2 indica dominant. Really can't wait to find out what sex they are.QUESTION: Any suggestions on when I should top/fim them? I was thinking either end of this week or the next or is that too soon? Stunting its growth isn't really an issue. After all it is a micro grow.


Active Member
Some people say three nodes, others say five. I do it when the top looks big enough to clone and leave two shoots for two tops, that's what I'm doing to go perpetual tho. Its all on you, just make sure you don't outgrow your space


Well-Known Member

Alright so I really wanted to do an update, my babies aren't looking too well. I did a little over watering this morning before work cause I was in a rush. I got home to them looking all sad.

The one in the green pot hasn't been growing all too much I am thinking from all the stress of me trying to get my grow conditions steady. I don't think you can tell from the picture but its first set of leaves after its seed leaves are really dry and basically cracked when I pressed them a little. Its second set seems to be fine. Still haven't used any nutes and I finally bought a pH soil tester.

Here is my pride and joy so far the youngest and still the biggest one. Looking sad cause of the wet feet. Can anyone assess on when I should transplant. The pots aren't that big but I wanted them to get some good roots going. They have only been up out of the soil since the 6th or 7th of this month.

And the middle child.


New Member
are you over watering ?
hey bro i was just going to tell u im done here and if u need help look up my friend hellraizer on my friends list he will help u form here on out


Well-Known Member
Yeah it was overwatering, over did it this morning. They were dry about an inch or so deep so I kind of bathed them real quick.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Overwatering is why I went with pro-mix. It has such great drainage. I doubt I'll be able to over water unless im trying to over water.


Well-Known Member
Okay well I am 99 percent sure that my oldest seedling is suffering a mag deficiency, not sure about cal. So I will probably grab some Epsom salt sometime either today or tomorrow. I don't have any type of pH solution so giving it to them is gonna be useless if the pH drops.


Well-Known Member
Mofos don't care but its fine best to learn on my own. Anyways I grabbed some plexi glass from home depot today that will sit right under the lights just long enough to cover the length of the power strip they are plugged into. I am still unsure on how I should attach them. I've got a couple of ideas but I know there are others who already have knowledge on this. Its not a commercial cool tube or something DIY with a single fixture but I am confident that it will benefit the grow and hopefully allow me to add another light in there if temps stay in check.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
wat kind of water have you been using? if you dont have ph tester, it is best to go with reverse osmosis. but if you add any nutes it will change the ph of the water.

Ph of osmosis water here is bout 7.0 and after my nutrients are added it drops to 4.0


Well-Known Member
The organic shop is closed on mondays so I have to get the pH solutions tomorrow. I grabbed a pH soil tester yesterday that you stick in some wet soil. I've been wanting to ask someone, are you supposed to add the buffer after mixing the nutes in?

My babies are missing trace elements is my guess. I've been using distilled from the start and they are showing progressive signs of deficiency. I could grab Epsom salt for the Magnesium but I have no pH solution so I'll just wait till tomrrow and probably grab a micronutrient to add all that in.

So again I still need to figure out how I should hang this plexi glass. You think tape will be enough to hang it half from the ceiling and half from the wall right below the power strip? Prolly gonna need something stronger on the ceiling end cause it will kind of have to be suspended like that.