bagseed in aerogarden grow journal


Well-Known Member
pics lookig good.when do you start them on the 12/12 cycle.Before they show their sex or right after i am confused!


Well-Known Member
aye wat nutes an setings u use plz help
if you took the time to read any of these threads youd find that info, i read one thread throught when i started this, it was like 63 pages, but im using the nutes that came with my AG half dose, and salad setting, for 24/7 water pumping, but you can use any of them, and i have the light plugged into a timer with a figure 8 cord, like on the ps2's


Well-Known Member
people say not to use the AG nutes but if you dont have the cash they will do
and they are good for learning as well
i give my plants 1 big tab every two weeks after they sprout
havent had nute problem at all really
but i do have a all male problem......
hope these clones take.......:-D

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
did you clone from a male or something??? cause that would cause an immediate all male problem!

edit: sorry just read thread my bad man, gl on getting a girl!
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Well-Known Member
lol yea, i wouldnt clone a male if i did id hope youd all call me out lol, my buddy got me some clones from his so im just hoping they will take :-D


Well-Known Member
i got some bad advice from this jack ass staff in the hydroponics thread and told me my light was too high,i lowered them and burned my damn plants!i cut the foliage that had over 50% damage.



Well-Known Member
damn that sucks, but with my AG hood i have my plants growing into the light before i make it higher
ill try to get some pics tonight of the clones, they are just lil girls still trying to make the fight for their lives. they were taken from the mother plant while she was in flower so i dont know (A)if they will take
and (B) if i can get them to re veg, if i can ill take another cutting and make a mother plant put her in soil and let her veg forever :-) atleast thats my dream for now, dont think it will work but ill try

any comments are welcome
Happy Growing Peoples :-)


Well-Known Member
aye wat nutes an setings u use plz help
i use the CANNA line of nutes.but the bad thing about canna nutes,they have a natural algea in em that helps build a stronger root system and it turns the sponges all green and the ph up and down turn the sponge white and it crawls up your plant and kills i am using rockwool now


Active Member
Looking good man....My first aero grow pro200 will arrive this week.What type of CFL lighting are you using?Watts ect.


Well-Known Member
if anyone from this old thread is interested, i got some clones from a friend from the same seeds i was using (he got a female and gave me a couple of cuttings while they were in bloom)
so i got a couple plants in there in full bloom right now
just if anyone was interested :-D the link is in my sig.

Happy Growing People