Bags for aero?


Active Member
Been a long time since I've been here and just started up again for my father in law rso.

My current setup is like stinkbud but I only use the 2nd stage setup for my flowering. I send 2-3 plants that just rooted at a time. In total I have about 8 small plants per 10 gallon container. The problem I'm going to have is that the roots are all tangled and when I go to harvest it's going to be a bitch to separate.

Would it be harmful to use some sort of sack that allows moisture to pass through but not the roots? That way I can just snip the roots and pull the plant without affecting the others. Tried searching but didnt find what I needed


Well-Known Member
Just cut the plant above the roots and leave the roots in place until you're done harvesting. Then pull out all the roots at once.