Bag seed - First time REAL grow


Well-Known Member
just thought id throw up some pictures of where i'm at with my first real grow but first a little back ground info.

3x3 silver edition tent
8" ehaust fan
5" circulatory fan
400w switchable magnetic ballast
fox farms ocean forest soil in 3g pots
botainicare pure blend pro grow and bloom are the only nutes fed via every other day waterings using tap water.
7 bag seed(high quality) plants selected from the fastest growing of 15 popped seeds. only one turning male.

being this is my first real setup up growing multiple plants, i used a few different methods. a few are lst, a couple super cropped and one lollipoped. tips of most fan leaves are clipped for better light penetration.

seedling for one week. transferred to soil and vegged for four weeks. one transition week until first signs of flowering. pictures taken today on day 25 of flowering.



Well-Known Member
Why are the tips off all the leaves cut off? If you think you are helping by doing that I can assure you, you are not. Otherwise nice grow.

n/m i see for better light pen.... still don't do that.


Well-Known Member
i first did it because i kept all the plants squeezed in tight and fan leaves were covering other plants. i don't do it any longer as i raised the light, the footprint is not as narrow, allowing me to space the plants out more. can you tell me more on why i should not do such a thing?

thanks for the compliment!


Why are the tips off all the leaves cut off? If you think you are helping by doing that I can assure you, you are not. Otherwise nice grow.

n/m i see for better light pen.... still don't do that.

i definitely second that notion


Well-Known Member
but can you tell me why? how is it hurting? is it something noticeable? other then the tips being clipped?


Well-Known Member
Clipping the tips mean smaller space for the plant to catch the light to make energy therefore making buds. Same reason you shouldn't cut any leaves of either. Just in case thinking of doing it ;)


Well-Known Member
Also the plats use the leaves to transpire moisture, If they dont have enough leaf surface to properly transpire they will not drink and take in the nutrients they need. The only time it is accaptable to clip leaves like that is when they are clones and this is because you want them to retain moisture and focus on root production not growth.


Active Member
but can you tell me why? how is it hurting? is it something noticeable? other then the tips being clipped?
Your leaves are like solar panels and the more surface you have the better. By reducing the surface of your leaves you reduce the amount of light your plant takes in which can ultimately negatively effect your yield. You are also stressing your plant unnecessarily, which can slow growth and cause other problems as well.


your leaves take in the light, converting it with food and water and co2 into energy, which then is put into either growing out more leaves, brush, and stems(veg), or the sweet, sweet buds(flower) when you cut the tips of the leaves off your plant, you're not only restricting it's ability to gather sunlight, but also diverting less energy away from maturing the plant and more energy into repairing it


New Member
Aside from the mentioned clipping and a bit of stretching, they look ecellent. Good job and +rep!


Active Member
thank you all for your reasoning. i will NOT clip leaves in the future.
Good call! It can be tempting, but in reality it's totally backwards, contradicting logic because your taking away the very thing that absorbs the light you need, to absorb more light. Plants are looking great besides the leaf tips, and they are a bit stretchy, that could just be their genetics though. Good luck man. It's looking quality.


Well-Known Member
the stretching came in after the switch from mh to hps. under the mh the internodes were as tight as you'd want them to be. in the first week under the hps they stretched crazily. i was keeping the light at a distance of 18". i speculate that factored in a bit and now its 10 inches above the canopy. my shortest plant is directly under the light at a distance of 18". im going to put something under it to raise after i hit send.

thank you all for your help and the kind words. i've lurked here for nearly a year and with out you guys i wouldn't be where i am today.


Well-Known Member
chopped down one of my babies today @ day 55. the others may go another week to ten days at most while one might go another four weeks. i'm aiming for a heady high, as milky as possible. i think i achieved it at about 98% milky, 1% amber and 1% clear.

it has a WONDERFUL sandalwood smell. completely intoxicating. i don't want to stop smelling it! coat hangar is temp. tomorrow i'm hanging a mesh drying rack.

