Backwoods Outdoor Grow 2009

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
This is a first time grow for me so if anyone sees anything that they'd like to ask questions about or comment on please do. Critisism can be a great tool to get better at something. Anyway, down to business. The seeds are some that I've saved over the last few years, they aren't hard to get. You say seedless bud around here and people look at you like your nuts. But the smoke isnt bad so Im thinking that is I can treat these right then it should be decent and a good way to practice before dropping money on killer genetics. I germinated the seeds in a damp tea towel inside a ziploc freezer bag that I placed on top of a heating pad set to low heat. The seedlings are all sprouted and about 2 inches tall. I'll be working at getting some pics and more details up to the journal as soon as possible.

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
Top pic is the wet towel/heating pad set up, second is the Bacto potting soil from the local farmers co-op, peat pot from the same co-op, bottom pic is 32 healthy seedlings all about two inches tall


Well-Known Member
lookin good bro...what kinda nutes are you planning on using and what size pots do you have them in? if they are in smaller pots you will need to pot up eventually before they begin to flower preferably. other than that your kickin off just fine. gunna have to start watchin out for males too about half way thru july and on.


marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
Right now they are in the small starter peat pots in the Bacto Potting soil. Id have to read the back of the bag to say exactly whats in it. Up to now just using water. I live in a really private spot so these babies are going in the ground in full sun, 10 hrs a day. Im gonna dig five gallon holes and fill with a 40/40/20 mix of the native clay soil, Bacto potting soil, and peat moss to hold some moisture. I have the garden prepped for running water and hopefully canhave some pics of the total set up posted next week. Havent decided on the type of fertilizer Im gonna use.


Well-Known Member
When you go to dig the holes, you should use Hydrogel.

It is super absorbant polymer that has been used by florists for years. I had a problem with some of my outdoor plants getting dried out and dying a couple of years ago because I did not have the time to check EVERY plant (had about 25 growing).

Basically you just sprinkle a little bit in the bottom of the holes and it sucks up to 300 times it's weight in water. So if you happen to run into a dry spell and can't get to all 32 of your plants then this stuff will actually continue to water them for up to 2 weeks.

It's really cool stuff and works great! I use this stuff in my outdoor garden, indoor grow room, all my housplants, and it's inexpensive!

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
LOL no....not getting more specific but this is hillbilly country. The plants are looking nice, Im gonna go through and get rid of the small ones....does anyone know how to force the plants to show sex early? I was thinking of cutting back to 6 hrs of light to try to get them to show

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
well your outside but if you have a little setup inside you can throw them into 12/12 and they will show sex then take them out and do more veg time with just girls

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
That's the thing, I have zero indoor set up. None. I have a grand total of around 15 dollars invested so far and that includes plant food. This is why I'm glad Im practicing on bag year Im definately getting the feminized seeds with the killer genetics.

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
OK, so the pics are going to have to wait since someone decided they liked my camera more than me and just took the stupid thing. Good thing I keep my grow pics on a separate card. Anyway, I selected 15 of the original 32 plants for transplant to the garden. All were about 3 1/2 inches in height except for one freakishly tall plant that was twice the height of the others. Keep on mind that these are bag seeds that I'm growing so I have no idea what type of genetics I'm dealing with here. The site has really great top soil, deep dark brown and very slightly acidic due to the pine that ismixed in with the hard woods. I cut a few trees in an east/west line so that the site receives about ten hours of sun daily. The soil, while pretty good, is a very heavy clay. I mixed peat moss with the soil to a depth of about 18 inches with a pick and shovel until it was nice a fluffy once that was done I put the plants in the ground and the timing was perfect. Slow steady rain all night and they are watered in perfectly. Now all thats keft to do is water and wait for them to show sex. What would be a good plant food? I already have some miracle gro mygrand mother uses for her flower beds, would this be okay to use on herb?

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
Discontinued. Fucking deer destroyed all but a few. I dont hunt but this year I'm going kill Bambi. This fucking blows. Just got some lowryders, but they'll be in the flower bed. God damn deer.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
dam man that fucking sucks ........ gotta think about somthing to prevent that befor the next try...... i think theres a thread on here about that i will try to find it for you.

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
I thought I had. I took a giant shit in the middle of the patch, piss, hair. The deer don't care, they're just like "mmmm........fresh, young, tender, herb....delicious" That's okay tho. I'm going to get a few salt blocks at the farmer's co-op and when season opens in the fall my freezer's gonna be nice and full. I wouldn't even be mad had I not put all that labor cutting trees and amending the soil. Oh well, live and learn. At least the LR#1's will be ready quick.