babies under 4000 watts?


no, my babies arent under 4000 watts, just wondering how old/talll/how many nodes etc before they can go under 4 x 1000 w hps lights.

I gave my buddy a mina a dinafen white widow bean and a dinafem diesel bean to grow because he has been growing ceops of the same shitty clones for about 2 years now and i want some variety... he has them under flourescents, the white widow has done nothing but stretch and the diesel hasnt even popped completely and ots been between 1-2 weeks. ive been telling him evrything i have read so far and he wants to just put them under the big ones. i told him to wait until i can c if its ok. so riu, how long usually until babies can go under big lightsk?


You can put a hid on them at any point, but you want to keep HIDs farther away when they are seedling. I would say about three feet away untill they are a little older.


Well-Known Member
Depends on your strain man, pretty much anything you want to grow youll be able to with no problem.


i dont believe that? ive never used hid and i have a gut feeling you are wrong... ive read multiplethings saying babies arent good under hid and your.saying i can do it without any problems? :s


Well-Known Member
No dood, they are saying you can put the seedlings under Large HIDs .. As Long As you keep the light Far from the top of them..

Sure if you stick a 1000w 12" from your seedlings then they gonna get fried.. lol


Tiny seedlings are vulnerable to heat and light more but as they said you will be fine if done right. About 36inches away and it should not hurt them along with proper air exchange and environment


Tiny seedlings are vulnerable to heat and light more but as they said you will be fine if done right. About 36inches away and it should not hurt them along with proper air exchange and environment
Answer i was looking for. thank you


High pressure sodium (HPS) lamps and metal halide (MH) lamps are High Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps. Sorry about the confusion I caused when I said HID instead of HPS. But at least you now know HPS are a type of HID.