Azatrol dipping

Can Azatrol be used to dip plants or just through the res? Also, can it be used as a spray?

Im kind of confused what how to use Azatrol...I have it just sitting my little cabinet..

you put the Azatrol in with your nutes right? Do you recommend flushing after using Azatrol?

Im so lost with this stuff...any help would be greatly apperciated...


Active Member
I'm fairly certain azatrol is a topical miticide, i.e a spray. From what I've heard it's pretty nasty in the bottle but when you spray it on your plants it dries into an inert, organic compound. The shit is gnarly to use tho, be careful. You have to use a respirator and fully cover your self, gloaves, goggles, the works. It's toxic when sprayed but dries organic...whateverthefuck that means. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Word around the campfire is that stuff's the shit for killing mites and other stuff. I can't use it because I can't afford it. I'd be interested in your results to see if it's worth the money tho.


I just got some of this after reading really good reports on RIU.

Does anyone know what the mix should be for spraying? nothing on bottle???? Also can you use it 4 weeks into flower?


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming it uses the same active ingredient as Azamax, which is a systemic killer. Spray it, put it in your reservoir, or dip your plants in it. They all should work assuming you're following the suggest dilution rates.
I read a whole description of azetrol and its uses and I myself use the product. I spray it with no worries, no gloves, resperator, ect ect I just wash my hands after.

*They suggest 1/2 tsp per quart.*
I generally use more like 1 tsp per 1/2 to 3/4 of a quart.
The way it works is your plant eats it, the mite eats the plant and clogs it up making it unable to eat anylonger.

*Suggested use is spray on once, wait 5-7 days, and do again. Then every 10-14 days after and no spray after 2 weeks into flower.*

My use is a little different personally, I use it in the veg stage everytime I use the foliar spray (2 times a week) and I mix it all together, then in flower I use for first 2 weeks and if I get 4 weeks in and really need to use it I will but with very VERY good air circulation and direct blow on fans (all to prevent mold).
*I would never use it withing the last 2-3 weeks of flower no matter how desperate.*

at one time I had a whole page about the product and really good info, I thought I found it by just googling it but it was a long time ago and I can't find it, the suggested usage above I'm pretty sure is right but DISCLAMER I make mistakes!

The page also did mention putting it in as feed in the soil as well as dipping so I'm sure its safe for all. As far as the saftey when spraying the product I don't recall it saying anything about it, but that doesn't mean in 10 years I won't be back here posting about azetrol and cancer or something!