Awesome underground hip-hop


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Philly has underground rap on lock no one is fucking with us


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The backing track is different to the one I have on a brand you can trust CD

I love everlast's voice.

If everyone listened to this stuff the world would wake up :)

This is the shit that you need some intelligence to write.

Do you like East Coast Avengers?

Yeah it's the Snowgoons Remix. They are out of Germany I think. They did some work with Sabac Red also. Yeah Everlast's verse is the hardest IMO. I haven't heard of ECA but I will check them out.


Well-Known Member
Beardo is this you? if so pretty clean.
this is wax....its the real hip hop..the thread says underground...thought i could post some vids people haven't seen. this dude is doin it...playin free shows check it out. [youtube]_7TPcGksW5M[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
My new neighbor just brought me a sick cd of him,he did all beats as well . He goes by twilyte he's pretty sick.


Well-Known Member
Very nice.

And this is me

Wow some people were really rude to you dude, kind of sad. Honestly it sucked though, and even though I'm bi I can tell you doing drag in a rap video where you talk trash about gangsters with guns is a quick trip to the morgue. What the fuck are you thinking?

Now having said that you have the balls to be laughed at so you can get somewhere if you try, and you do have the skills to do something. But drop the gangsta stupidity shit don't even talk about it, don't go down the biggie tupac road, don't do things that won't have mass appeal and don't just do such a superficial common style of rap.

Be original, be yourself, but be smart.
I know it's not underground but if you're gay or whatever do things like this with original style gay people will like:

Notice there is also a straight version:

Sorry, but yes this bi guy thought you looked and sounded far too gay to be rappin that way.


some really good underground hip hop artists are:

People under the stairs
Zion I
The grouch and eligh
Zion I and the grouch
Living Legends
The Strange fruit project
The foreign exchange
Restoring poetry in music (if your a fan of Panacea you will def like this)

There are so many others but this is some really good chill music!


Well-Known Member
Boombip, you are the man. Zion I is my favorite group of all time. Heroes in the City of Dope and Mind Over Matter are fucking bangin. I also love Mac Lethal. He is funny as fuck. Takes a while to catch his humor though. Shit makes me happy as fuck and makes me wanna get drunk as piss!





Mac Lethal fucking rocks!