Avoiding voltage drop

Hi y'all,

I'm a noob and posted a setup thread but haven't had any answers, so I to thought create another thread to get my biggest one question answered.

I plan to use one driver and 4 lights spread out into two cupboard spaces (drilling a hole between the brick divider). The lights will be at different distances from the driver. I assume I should use 4 equal lengths of LED cable.

My main question is, to avoid voltage drop what max length cable should I use?

I can't post links to Alibaba (my noob account won't let me), but I'm considering buying the following from Kingbrite @ Ali. It's DIY kit, and I'd get an additional reel of LED cable. The main components of the DIY kit are;

x4 Cree CXB3590 3500k (CXB3590-0000-000N0HDB35G)
MW HLG-185H C1400B

If you feel like answering my other Q's, or have some advice for my setup that I haven't thought about, your advice would be more than welcome.


Thanks in advance