Autowater NON recirculating DWC NEW!!!

Hi everyone! Ever get tired of filling the bubble buckets every day? Don't like recirculating systems because of the shared water/problems? Ever had the fittings leak? Tired of having the big plants thrive and the smaller plants burn? Your not alone. I made a auto watering system for DWC! There's 2 float switches that run a pump that feeds each bucket inline. You only fill the 55 gal rez and set the timer for 5 min or so a day (depending on how many plant sites and how much they drink) get your solution right then let it go. I designed a root guard and had parts rapid prototyped along with a special clip type bracket to hold the float switches. The autowater feature works amazing. I wish I would have had this when I started growing 10+ years ago. I'm currently trying to get my project funded on Kickstarter so I can produce these systems. If you already have a bubbler system that's great! You can get the retrofit part by itself and make your automatic! Check it out here
Tell me what you think and ask away