autoflowering outdoors

andy appleseed

Well-Known Member
I'm trying to plan my second outdoor grow here in GA. Im thinking about having my grow this year at my hunting club because I know a pretty good spot. But the other hunters will start to scout around during the end of summer/ begining of fall.

So long story short is im thinkin about plantin auto flowering plants so I can harvest before the deer hunters start nosen around.

Has anyone done this or knows a good thread?


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to plan my second outdoor grow here in GA. Im thinking about having my grow this year at my hunting club because I know a pretty good spot. But the other hunters will start to scout around during the end of summer/ begining of fall.

So long story short is im thinkin about plantin auto flowering plants so I can harvest before the deer hunters start nosen around.

Has anyone done this or knows a good thread?
I had a guerilla grow this past summer that went pretty well. I had bug and mold issues, but saved most of my crop. The problem was, it was bagseed, and as I later found out, they were sativas.

They took FOREVER to finish! I plan to put autos outside just like you, and for the same reasons.

'Can't wait for March! :leaf:


I laughed so hard my daughter walked in the room and asked what was so funny!!
Thank you for the smile and for being such a great PM friend to me!! I'm so grateful for all your support and friendship...


those autos from the reading ive done seem to herm out alot so id do some research before you order any...but it seems there are somewhat stable ruderalis crosses... lowryder #2 or taiga or tundra from paradise seeds


Well-Known Member
I tried growing auto flowering plants outdoors this year and it was a complete waste of time. They need a lot of light and cant handle heat very well. Of 10 seeds that I planted, only 3 plants made it to harvest and they werent any bigger than 4 inches. Maybe other people have had better luck growing them outdoors. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
If they only got 4 inches i think it was the grower. I did Auto Ak 47 outside this year i had plants that ranged from 1.5 ft-2.5ft. I put 3 plants in one 4 gallon container and had no problems. The auto's start off slow outside they do take longer then 70 days from seed i would give them about 90-100 they just seem to not start flowering until after like 30 days outdoors. My plants only got about 5 hrs of direct sunlight a day and i had some good results from the auto ak's. I averaged about 22 grams per plant although my biggest game me just under 2 oz's.


Well-Known Member
If they only got 4 inches i think it was the grower. I did Auto Ak 47 outside this year i had plants that ranged from 1.5 ft-2.5ft. I put 3 plants in one 4 gallon container and had no problems. The auto's start off slow outside they do take longer then 70 days from seed i would give them about 90-100 they just seem to not start flowering until after like 30 days outdoors. My plants only got about 5 hrs of direct sunlight a day and i had some good results from the auto ak's. I averaged about 22 grams per plant although my biggest game me just under 2 oz's.
I think where I messed up was starting them in small containers and then once they showed their sex, I transplanted them into one gallon pots. They didnt seem to grow after that even with 7 hours of direct sunlight. I have some auto seeds left for next years attempt.


Active Member
Start covering your plants late in the day and uncovering again after dark to get them to finish earlier.