Autoflower red Dwarf and Hindu Kush - Greenhorn Grow

Hi all,

Well, I think 2 of the plants have reached their vertical growth limit. The other 2 might have some room to grow before they reach maturity.

It's Day 48 of my first grow...

Red Dwarf on the porch was LST'd, and has 5 very nice buds. Very tight and heavy.

Compared to a Hindu Kush in the tent (which happens to be my biggest plant out of all of them)...the main cola is lengthy, but airy. Of course, I only have 1 150W HPS on 4 plants in the tent. More lumens...less plants next time.

And here is the runt of the little...18.5cm Red Dwarf...funny thing is...the whole thing is side branching popcorn.

Hi all....I scoped the plant with a 30X handheld and the trich's were at a 50/50 ratio. So, I decided I would harvest.

I'd say it took me about 45 minutes to get the whole thing cut up and hung. I've never trimmed just off the plant before and it was a little bit of a learning experience.

This was the main cola before I LST' still turned out to be the biggest:

Here is the whole plant:

All the trimmed buds:

All of it hanging in the closet:

Any dry weight predictions?

I will be ambitious, since it's my first baby, and say: 1oz.

I like to be positive about these things :weed:
Here they are. They smell funny, and the buds are airy.

Red Dwarfs definitely need more light.

Hindu Kush appears as though it would be ok as a single plant under a 150w HPS.



Active Member
nice grow man. I'm planing on growing this same strains after my current grow. I have the same problem you have with temp. On average, its about 91 F.
nice grow man. I'm planing on growing this same strains after my current grow. I have the same problem you have with temp. On average, its about 91 F.
I figure with the season change soon...temps will be way much better in the tent.

I'll try to get a smoke report up on the Red Dwarf soon. I just don't think it's done curing yet.


Active Member
hey, I loved your report on this grow. I am going to grow Red Dwarf and was very interested in that strain in particular. You have a fantastic journal here, but no smoke report :-( Where's the conclusion? I would like to know how everything worked out for you as well as that smoke report detailing smell, taste, smoke, high, etc... you know. You've made a generous contribution to the community.



Active Member
Just saw ur grow and must say,very impresive and I cant wait to order some auto's!:)
Do u have a pic of the red dwarf before the chop? It says u had one but its the only pic not working,lol..
Nice job man!