Autoflower advanced questions/breeding


Well-Known Member
This thread should when completely answered , make auto breeding much easier for anyone interested so if you have any insight please share it here. Also sources are always nice, but if you just want to drop off some experience based info feel free to do so. Just let us know that it is your own non-scientifically proven observation for the purposes of accuracy and records.

Let the games begin!

1. Is autoflower gene recesive dominant or what? Like does an auto crossed with a non auto make 1 auto 1 non and then 2 that show either auto/nonauto (whichever is dominant)? *** See later entry for reason***

2. How is the strain in your opinion? What kind of high/stone do you get? Can you smoke i early/day and be active/party or at night to sleep or both?

3. What are the phenotypes to look out for when breeding for seeds?

4. If one wanted to make an autoflowering version of a photo pd plant like Big Bud, an unknown female sativa, sour lemon og, or afghan, how would one go about that to get the resulting plants to be as close to the photo pd plant as possible in terms of high effects, but auto flower and how long would it take in terms of generation? Would it go like this?

(Photo period plant will be called X and lowryder #2 will be Lr2 for rthe purposes of this post)

Take X plant and cross it with the opposite gender Lr2 = F1

F1's should be some like the X and some like the Lr2 and some of each of those auto.
Grow out a bunch of F1's and wait a mont or so to see which are carrying the autoflower trait and then get rid of the remainders.
Pick the one most resembling the X plant with the auto trait and cross it with X again to create a new F1

Repeat the process until you are gettng some autos and some not from your crosses BUT all closely resemble X.

Cross two of the F1 babies that both resemble X and have the auto gene and then cross two of the best from the resulting F2 and repeat until you hit F7 for a stable strain.
Question here is, will all auto flowering plants including the F1's you deicde to stabilize, make 100% auto flowering babies? You would want to get to a point where 100% of babies are auto flowering and resemble plant X before you could create F2 - F7 generations so you dont have to worry about non autos popping up all the time in future plants due to recessive genes (this is what the *** was for in the first question)

I hear Lowryder #2 is a good strain to start with when making a new auto. Is this true? Also how indica/sativa dominant is it. That would probably affect the amount of times you had to cross an F1 with plant X before you got ur desired high/stone and indica/sativa ratio.

This is something I came up with to determine the process of creating an auto flowering version of a regular strain.

Xx = Photopd strain
Lr2 = Lowryder 2 (any auto really)
C = Crossed seeds
Ns = new strain

Xx x Lr2
Aa Aa Aa Aa = 50/50 C1

C1 x Lr2
Aa Aa aa aa = 25/75 C2

C2 x Xx
Aa Aa Aa Aa = 75/25 C3

Aa Aa aa aa = 37.5/62.5 C4

C4 x Xx
Aa Aa Aa Aa = 87.5/12.5 C5

C5 x Lr2 = 43.75/56.25 C6
Aa Aa aa aa

C6 x Xx = 99.75/0.25 C7
Aa Aa Aa Aa

C7x C7 = 99.75/0.25 Ns
AA Aa Aa aa

Ns x Ns 99.75/0.25 F1
aa aa aa aa

Ns x Ns 99.75/0.25 F2
aa aa aa aa

Ns x Ns 99.75/0.25 F3
aa aa aa aa

Ns x Ns 99.75/0.25 F4
aa aa aa aa

Ns x Ns 99.75/0.25 F5
aa aa aa aa

Ns x Ns 99.75/0.25 F6
aa aa aa aa

Ns x Ns 99.75/0.25 F7
aa aa aa aa

The only reason I did the last 7 generations was because the first ones were backcrossed between two different plants so I don't think that allows them to qualify towards stabilization in the F generations correct?
Would it count towards stabilization if it was only backcrossed to one plant?


This was in autoflower section and the genetic part i put in the general section but no replies so i figured it might belong here instead


Well-Known Member
Thanks that was one of the most helpful replies on this site!
Not to mention that with a few years of breeding, you could have autos matching the best photos with an auto quality added in. They aren't given enough credit. You could have a harvest weekly if you wanted to without any light changes all in one tent with an auto white widow or something.