Autoflower 14 day Seedlings Aid (They're small!)


Hey everyone, posting some photos and info on my first grow. I have been trying to learn more as I go, however I believe some errors on my first grow are causing some delay. Current setup is in a closet, but I just got a grow tent I will transfer these into.

I feel as my plants are extremely small for being almost two weeks since sprouting. I have been spraying distilled water every other or two days, but keeping the soil dry for the most part. The soil is some cheap soil I found at my local store, it wasn't micracle, but I don't think its any better tbh.

I did transplant one of the plants into ocean soil to see if it helped it grow faster but its only been four days, so we will see.

My setup is a 500w Ikan Led- the color temperature is daylight and around 5600k. All the plants are at a distance of 20 Inches, however they started further away on their few first days.

I am keeping a temperature of around 80-90 Fahrenheit and a humidity of 40-60%.

I am looking for advice on what to do to get these seedlings to their full potential, should I transplant them from a solo cup into a gallon pot and then into a 5 gallon grow bag? Or should I go directly into the 5 gallon grow bag from the solo cup?

I will be repotting use Freshfarms ocean soil, do I need any other nutrients to keep them healthy?

