Auto Watering System for Seedling


015.jpg016.jpgI have a grow room that I am not always attending to 24/7 and needed to come up with a simple way to auto water my seedlings while away. Previously using drip lines I ended up with both a mess as well as confusion as to which line fed which starter cup or pot. I used a black 5 gallon bucket lid drilling 1/4" inch holes spaced as needed at the perimeters edge for drip emitters as you can see in the attached immages. My manifold is off to the side but you could have the the main pvc water pipe in the center of the bucket lid with manifold above. It proves to be efficient in both providing water, keeping the cups close to maximize lighting and more orderly in the grow room.


Well-Known Member
It's cool but 2 things... Those tubs are messy as fuck. Get splitters and have a 1" tube run down and connect to the 1/4" tubes. Also, cannabis likes a wet/dry phase. The issue with drip irrigations is that the plants are always moist.