Auto-water system for Soil


Building a DIY automatic watering system for three soil-filled pots. My question is if I put a flood table under the pots can I reuse that water in my reservoir?

I often find when I water my soil plants there is excess water that comes out of the bottom. It generally isn't pretty (brown color w a film if allowed to sit). I'm wondering if it is a bad idea to have my flood table drain that soil water back into the reservoir to be recycled.

Otherwise I will just have to dial down the water so there is no overflow so my flood table doesn't fill up while I'm away leaving my plants with wet feet.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Huh yea, Im moving from hydro to soil and found plants in soil retain moisture more then in hydro.
recurculating systems I think are mainly used in hydro because soil will clog a pump I am thinkin.

Anyway that doesnt mean it cannot be automaded. I am going to use a drain to waste in my soil pots.
Res with about a 250 gal pump through drip line attached to a 1/2 gal per hour dripper. start at 15 min every other day in pots filled with soil in a tub. see what kind of run off I get and adjust it.

What do ya think?