Auto Vs Quick photo - time & space issue


Active Member
Hello everyone,

the point here is:

Is it worth growing an Auto when you can quick-veg a fast Photo and reach a total growth lenght of maybe 2 weeks longer?

Ex: 8/9 weeks for an Auto vs [3 (veg) + (7/8 flower) =] 11 weeks for a Skunk 1?

The Photo plant would still remain small (so no size issue) with a short veg and you would normally get more buds in total (yield is an issue).

What do you think my friends?

Thanks everyone for reading/replying



Active Member
iv had ounce tops off autos ie red dwarf. last 2 auto grows been half o a plant and that was big devil2 all under a 250 so wont b doing autos again . green poison a 7 week strain also which is what im doing just now


Active Member
Thanks man, I didn't know this strain!

Didi you short-veg it by any chance, or are you fully growing it?

My guess is: do you still get more yield than an Auto in the (almost) same amount of time?
