Auto sweet tooth Barney's farm


Active Member
I'm currently looking for an auto flowering strain for the outdoor season which has recently begun (southern hemisphere) and auto sweet tooth looks ideal for my situation.. How ever I have read many reports in the past about BF's auto sweet tooth not auto flowering at all however I haven't read anything negative about this issue within the past couple months. If you have grown this strain within the past few months could you post whether it autoed for you or if there were any other issues, I would really appreciate it. I would also like to know what this plant yielded for you

Also if you have any auto flower recommendations, please let me know. I am a first time grower and would appreciate the help.

Thanks guys.
I've been researching the same thing. I have auto#1, berry Ryder and sweet tooth germinating.
I've been reeding on a few forums and people were saying lowryder and the dwarf ak 47 and white widow are the top strains.