Auto BlueBerry fem and Short Rider's that are really autos!


One of my Pure Afghani's was a male, so I put the pollen in the fridge. I didnt know that this strain was so early but the other Afghan is showing female also.
COOL ass picture of a daddy longleg on there!! oh man, i dont know why, but i love it


Active Member
I agree the daddy long-legs kicks ass...
Pics today when I get off work, the Auto bb is doing great and loving the Fox Farm.


Active Member
Just pollinated the Auto BB with Diesel Ryder male, Hope it takes.
I am really noticing the rapid growth of the Haze #1 plants, they are so tall and the leaves are so skinny and long. Pics tomorrow when I get done with my mothers


Active Member
I've been refining my technique, I finally received my Ph test kit from general hydroponic. My Ph is 6.0 and my littlle Himalayan Blue Diesel are loving the small amount of fox farms Grow Big & Big bloom. Here are a couple pics from the first day of sprouting & the Auto BlueBerry:



Well-Known Member
Could you show some pics of the short rider? Is it femd seed? I have 10 and bought them drunk:dunce:

Want to decide if I will use them or get something else when I'm done flowering.

plus rep for your grow and info :clap:


Active Member
Here are a few pics of the Auto BB and some pics of the HBD in the 3 1/2 gallon DWC, ounce the roots start to fill out more the plants are going into the 10 gallon DWC system. I only started 2 seeds to see if I can even grow hydroponicly, I will start 4 more later it'll sort of be a staggered grow. Sometimes in the evenings the humidity level drops to around 35% then after a few hours goes back to about 50%-55%, is the drop in humidity bad on the plants?



Well-Known Member
Here are a few pics of the Auto BB and some pics of the HBD in the 3 1/2 gallon DWC, ounce the roots start to fill out more the plants are going into the 10 gallon DWC system. I only started 2 seeds to see if I can even grow hydroponicly, I will start 4 more later it'll sort of be a staggered grow. Sometimes in the evenings the humidity level drops to around 35% then after a few hours goes back to about 50%-55%, is the drop in humidity bad on the plants?

low rh is a positive, don't worry about it, anything over 60% without sufficient air movement is a concern...:hump:


Active Member
Yeah I mean to start flower, but I never put them on 12/12. I was so frustrated with them that I gave my 4 indoor SR to a friend about 10 days into flower.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I mean to start flower, but I never put them on 12/12. I was so frustrated with them that I gave my 4 indoor SR to a friend about 10 days into flower.
well any plant needs to establish before flowering, 40 days sounds about right. You were expecting somewhat sooner? Do other autos flower sooner then that?


Active Member
Yes, way sooner...
My auto blueberry started flower at 18-22 days and my big devil auto's are showing sex at the 4th stage.


Well-Known Member
Yes, way sooner...
My auto blueberry started flower at 18-22 days and my big devil auto's are showing sex at the 4th stage.
4th stage, do you mean 4th true node?

So if I started short rider with 24/7 then put them into the flower room under 12/12 about aweek or so before my flowering females are done, they should prob sex, then I could harvest and put the shorties at 20/4 and they should continue to flower?


Active Member
Autos will flower under 1 hour of light it doesnt matter if they are in a 12/12 room they will flower at a certain age, the light means nothing. When I say 4th stage, I mean 4th true leaves arent even completely finished and it is showing sex. Read on lowlifes Auto blueberry and lowlife says that at the 4th set of true leaves it will flower, nearly all autos flower at 4th set but the SR did at set 7 and they are deff not short!


Well-Known Member
Autos will flower under 1 hour of light it doesnt matter if they are in a 12/12 room they will flower at a certain age, the light means nothing. When I say 4th stage, I mean 4th true leaves arent even completely finished and it is showing sex. Read on lowlifes Auto blueberry and lowlife says that at the 4th set of true leaves it will flower, nearly all autos flower at 4th set but the SR did at set 7 and they are deff not short!
cool i don't care if they are short, i have plenty room and light