Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
nice looking tric formation dude, looks like we all learning,,

great work FM,
ps. nice pics , you must have a new camera, or someshit , dude, ?:eyesmoke:

new years resolution...

i m going back to two trees, got a little silly last year, just not worth growing at full yeild, per sq/m, or worse perpetually year round growing etc, id rather watch them through the whole process

well you know,,,from clone


The Government is no better than than the crime gangs who use bikies, criminals and guns to protect and grow their illegal drug business.

The Government uses taxpayers money and the police to protect their drug revenue.

The Government profits from the most deadly drug in the world, tobacco and they profit from the drug that has the biggest social impact on the community, alcohol.

Every day there are half a dozen stories in the media about the impact of alcohol - be it, drink driving, domestic violence, or street violence. I have never heard of anyone getting violent on cannabis.

If Cannabis has any impact at all it is only on the user and it is far less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes and most prescription drugs. The impact is next to zero if you start using after the age of 21.

The most dangerous thing about cannabis is that it is illegal, forcing people to buy their drugs from those who sell heroin, meth, coke and firearms.

Why is Cannabis the only drug that has not gone up in price over the past 20 - 30 years, despite significant increases in growing costs? Because it is a lost-leader...cannabis is to drug dealers, what $2 milk is to Coles. It gets you in, so they can cross sell other products.

The Government is responsible for the most serious drug additions in this Country. They don't just have blood on their hands - they are swimming in it! By outlawing Cannabis, they are guilty of human rights abuse on a massive scale.

The day will come when they will fall on their face. Meanwhile, enjoy this video.


Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
The most dangerous thing about cannabis is that it is illegal, forcing people to buy their drugs from those who sell heroin, meth, coke and firearms.

Why is Cannabis the only drug that has not gone up in price over the past 20 - 30 years, despite significant increases in growing costs? Because it is a lost-leader...cannabis is to drug dealers, what $2 milk is to Coles. It gets you in, so they can cross sell other products.
I have to disagree on this, I have never once in my life bought weed from people that sell that other crap... they make their living off of weed, no cross selling, just weed...


The Government is no better than than the crime gangs who use bikies, criminals and guns to protect and grow their illegal drug business.
were you under the illusion that they are? with all the rubbish with cigarettes, i'm actually happy that the herb isn't legalized; if it was, i'm sure they'll find a way to ruin the experience for us. winging an whining won't change anything. go outside and protest aloud - that won't do anything either.. counter economics does make a difference though, whole bunch of yank states legalizing and even debates on decriminalizing ecstacy on our tv?... i'll give a lot of that credit to SR. if it takes them 10 years to bust each dealer, the gov has to rethink the feasibility of the war ;)


Active Member
were you under the illusion that they are? with all the rubbish with cigarettes, i'm actually happy that the herb isn't legalized; if it was, i'm sure they'll find a way to ruin the experience for us. winging an whining won't change anything. go outside and protest aloud - that won't do anything either.. counter economics does make a difference though, whole bunch of yank states legalizing and even debates on decriminalizing ecstacy on our tv?... i'll give a lot of that credit to SR. if it takes them 10 years to bust each dealer, the gov has to rethink the feasibility of the war ;)
I totally agree, i dont want it legalised either... Can you imagine all the disgusting chemicals they'd start putting in our weed for whatever reason just like Tobacco? Here in Australia they have posters advising people of all the chemicals now found in Ciggerettes like DDT and Arsenic, chemicals that were all put their by the tobacco companies and it's this crap that's killing everyone not the Nicotine which is what everyone smokes it for. Dunno if everyones aware of this but it's pretty comon knowledge.


Active Member
Hmmm.... Has anyone ever found Leaf Mold? I am well versed in Bud Mold but never had leaf mold until now... Basically anywhere the leaves are showing Necrosis (deadening of the cells) they have mold. Not sure if th mold had caused the necrosis or if the necrosis caused the mold. Either way I've carefully removed all leaves showing the mold and also a few buds here n there that had it on the bud leaves. Ideally I am still about 2 weeks from harvest but might do it this weekend.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm.... Has anyone ever found Leaf Mold? I am well versed in Bud Mold but never had leaf mold until now... Basically anywhere the leaves are showing Necrosis (deadening of the cells) they have mold. Not sure if th mold had caused the necrosis or if the necrosis caused the mold. Either way I've carefully removed all leaves showing the mold and also a few buds here n there that had it on the bud leaves. Ideally I am still about 2 weeks from harvest but might do it this weekend.
on my
first grow I remember getting black spots on the leaves, due to me foliar
spraying her without having proper air circulation... I think I had the fans on the same timer as the light
...lesson learned...keep the breeze on em at all times, especially in high humidity.


Active Member
My humidity has been kept pretty good throughout flower, sitting at around 60% RH... however i had a problem early on with my plants going bezerk at week two of flower growing from 1 foot to 5 foot in two weeks... I was pretty much gonna rip em out and start again but they never really grew much after that and had really tight interndes so they've produced some pretty tight compact bud.... Next grow I am going totally back to basics and gonna do a mega small grow with the same strain... Things have gotten out of hand with my last few grows and while i've produced some big yields i think it's time to settle down and learn a bit more.