Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I've got a small closet grow going I'm keeping the temps constant 25degreese and water every few days ,my fan is faced at the wall so they are getting air circulation and the door is open an inch all the time .I'm using 200watts cfl but my babies arnt growing much there 3 weeks old and only an inch tall. Any ideas?it's not the soil


Well-Known Member
Hey watermelon just letting u no bracken grows naturally in acidic soils so that's probably a perfect spot.that's not to say the soil is nutrient rich tho. Ferns will grow anywhere in vic if the soil is right but as mentioned b4 they prefer part shade and a moist enviroment


Active Member
Hey guys I've got a small closet grow going I'm keeping the temps constant 25degreese and water every few days ,my fan is faced at the wall so they are getting air circulation and the door is open an inch all the time .I'm using 200watts cfl but my babies army growing much there 3 weeks old and only an inch tall. Any ideas?it's not the soil
they probly just forming there root system at the moment man putting all there energy into that
Hey guys

Is it normal to have 440 volts on the circuit? i seem too have 4 and 2x 220s? safe to use the 440s as a source or should i use the normal ones? No clue when it comes down to electricity!



Active Member
Hey guys

Is it normal to have 440 volts on the circuit? i seem too have 4 and 2x 220s? safe to use the 440s as a source or should i use the normal ones? No clue when it comes down to electricity!

the only way to tell if you have 440v on the circuit is to grab one of the cables and chew it, if you burn from the inside out, its 220v, if you implode in a cloud of smoke, you know its 440v good luck.... JOKES
XD! chew it lol, it says on the box 440V but that box is the same one the street lights are connected too, i think thats why! I dont know its confusing we have 3 of those box things but the ones in the back seem to be 440, all that means is i can run more shit off them without blowing a fuse correct?



I don't think anything in your house would be running off 440. Do you have a large pool or spa? They could be for that. Unless it's a crazy opp your not going to be pulling that many amps and if you do run a lead from another room. Or some points in your house might be a higher amp, maybe for your stove if its electric
Yeah we have a pool and a Spa and a bath spa xD! I really think its for the street yards in my backyard but we have 3 streets lights on the one pool built around the pool area, i could be wrong not sure. the stove is electric also, just wondering because i want to figure out a good spot to start building soon and one video said to check the circuits etc so i did but i was looking for 220 not 440!, originally i was not going to worried about fresh air source and just use the air in the room and leave the doors open etc but after watching lots of videos all day today I have seen the difference off fresh air :) even took notes down in a book the misses was teasing me :(!

Thanks Guys


Active Member
Ok got some "tech" questions.

I currently have a 500L/hr water pump (Aqua one) and im wondering if it will work in my new setup. There will be a 25l resi under the table with about 600mm head under 19mm pipe. After that it will break off into 4 x 4mm hose to feed the pots. You rekon this is ok for the pump? Is 4mm feed enough? Atm im using 13mm hose to feed but thats TOO much, not to mention my new system will work a little different.

ALSO as winter is soon apon us i need to plan for the cooler tempts. I get about 4c at night and maybe 20C during day (based on last winters grow). Is it better to chuck in a small heater or just use a water heater? Or both? (explanation on why one is better than the other if possible)

I know that the lower the water tempts are the beter the disolved O2 so i would of thought that a heater would be better?


Active Member
hey skiz mate how are ya?

i was meant to answer ya last pump question....

heres my 2 bob worth....i run a E+F set up with a 35l res off a 550Lp/h run from 13mm to 19mm, with 50L litres of clayballs in my 50L table, this holds 16L of water and fills it to a depth of 75mm, this is perfect as the bed is 160mm deep, my cubes are 75mm deep so the water level is 10mm under the rockwool so as not to keep too wet. i reckon you should be fine with a pump that size, if anything the backpressure coming from the 4mm hoses will make the pump work a little tougher just to push it through, so dont worry about it 'not' having enough power.

Now as for dealing with aqua-wholsaler or whatever they are called...i am just coming out of a dispute with them. and also two of my buddies from the states have had drama's with them before...dont get me wrong they have good products just fucked with shipping....(they never send it untill you fight with them)
heres what happened with me....i ordered an air pump at $25 and 25 has never arrived!!!! --- well they were selling top rate shipping but using the free trade agreement with S.E Asian and Aus to send FREE small parcels, they thought that i wouldnt pick up onnit. well after 5 1/2 weeks i sent them a nast email...they backed the fuck up and opologised and re-credited me and then i aske for a free 1000L/H pump and they sent it in a jiffy, 7 days-is all it yeah i called their bluff and it worked double well for me. thing is tho i dont need the imersable pump i need the air pump!!!!


Active Member
good thanks tricka,

my girls are at the stage where i can take the smaller buds from them so my nights are fun again! :)

As for the pump, sounds good enough.....i might actually go for a 50L myself as im not sure if 25L is ok? I will have 4 pots each 30L capacity but will only ever fill maybe 10L so with a 25L res thats still 65L of water moving. Can you take a pic of your setup as im trying to work out my next way to set it all up. Im thinking have a 19mm hose come from the bottom of the pot and that will be my drain. As the pump fills the pot with water it will rise to the point where it will be flush with the drain and thus have a perma set water level as the inlet will never exceed the drain. As the roots get bigger i just cut the pipe lower so the water level will decrease. Hope that made sense?

As for Air pumps.....i got an Aqua one and yer i dont like it. Its the 4 outlet 1600L or so jobby but i dont think its all that crash hot. I just bought a 70l/MINUTE pump (so 4200L/hr) and that will be coming in soon enough.

Either way, yer post some pics of your setup as i think i prefer to look at setups than actual plants.....set ups inspire me, pics of grows just make me jelous lol.


Active Member
Picture 545.jpgPicture 544.jpgPicture 546.jpgcouple more pix for yall.....centrifugal is upn running......hittn country shitloads to my daughter down so spent sum qaulity tym with her....missed the shit outa buisy......hi to eveyone 's grows going???updates growing cultivate the nation.:weed:.... my people...n blaze on :joint:.


Active Member
skiz, my top feed pot system uses 19mm the whole way, feed and return and im running a 104 Aqua one pump which is 2000 ltr/h, now if i decrease the feeder pipe it causes the pump to struggle, it cannot move the water at the same rate as the pump, eventually it will burn the motor out on the pump. For a Flood & Drain Table id also apply this theory, flood it fast and stop your pump running for extended periods. good luck man.


Active Member
its turning into a fuck around but its coming together.....

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Where do you get the rails and tracks from man? I wanted to make a track system myself so i could slide the system out of the tent if need be so i could still do a nice scrog then :) Also what do they go for $$? I don't want to spend ALOT but i guess it will need to support 25-50L res, 4x 20L pots, 5-10kg medium and 4x close to 130kg...sounds expensive?


Active Member
hey Skizza....ummm yeah mine were $8 a pair and they are 550mm runners that will hold a max of 25 kg' your gonna need a full steel frame, sort of like a rolling gate set up, im a boiler maker by trade an could knock one up for sure, but yeah its gonna turn expensive for ya :(

Edit: everything is from bunnings!! Australia's largest hydro bits and pieces supplier! ;) hahah lol

2nd Edit: Hey Jzs...its no where near finished so i cant comment on how long it took to build, i do a bit here and there (every night after work), i guess it took me and Sittin 3hrs to cut the sheet on one weekend, and then it took me about 4hrs to screw it together on another weekend, i by NO means am cabinet-maker so i may of done things the hard way, but A: its together and B: it works....

EDIT:.........and C: its light proof and quiet as a mouse!!!!