Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
thats not the stuff i use its actually called flora nova its a single bottle for veg and asingle bottle for bloom. it should be about $60 per bottle which isnt that much cheaper but its a significantly smaller amount u use each change so it works out cheaper that way.

it does actually have considerable salt build up but i always run a flush through each weekend with florakleen so i have never had a problem.

there is no harm in giving it a go but i know u love your cyco so dont change on my behalf. different things work for different people. thats one of the main things i have noticed on these forums there is a thousand different ways to do things and for some reason one way that works for one person just doesnt work for another i cant explain it but it seems like that is the case.

also i just popped into my mates store so he could fix me up with another bottle. he gave me a free bottle of bloom a and b.

he also said its a case of not enough preservatives in the cyco nutes but he also said that he believes they have fixed the problem so it shouldnt happen again.


Well-Known Member
also flowie if you wanted to try the 3 part flora stuff dont buy it i will send u out a free pack if you want it i have tons of that stuff from when i bought my waterfarms they give it to you for free. i attempted to use it in my first grow and to be honest the plant responded really well to it right up to the point where i mixed it up too strong and burnt her to smithereens. the only reason i dont use the three part is it is a little overcomplicated. u have to mix all three bottles every time.


Well-Known Member
exactly mate... if i was flowie i'd be wanting new clones/beans not new food! i cant handle smoking the same gear for to long...


Well-Known Member
yeah variety is the spice of life. flowie does have the magic trifecta there though high yield knockout potency and short flower time.

hope to find something like that in my cindy's except with the racey sativa high.

cant wait for my flowers to start developing. the sun maiden is really putting on a show in stretch. i didnt think i was going to end up with many tops on her and end up with a real low yield but in the last couple of days she has done a total backflip and is really starting to look top notch. growth is looking so lush and healthy under that cmh bulb.


Well-Known Member
Idk man Ive been toking fucking dank better than flowies and I was chasisomething new after a couple of weeks..
Man I hope she's a ripper pheno for ya cause I'll be pinching her hehe!

The cap

Well-Known Member
Week7 (4).jpg
Hey Guys, here's latest pic.. Just switched to 12/12 yesterday.. Love this stage, power bill goes down a bit.. Hahahaha..
Good news on yer grow there FIWH... Flowie, I can't wait to check what you get at the end.. Should be great..!!!!!
Who's the Tez impersonator..????


Well-Known Member
Between reservA privadas #18 and sour d that sour d blew it outta the water packing half cones for myself..


Well-Known Member
yeah i guess its nice to have a cupboard full f jars all with something different in them.

although at the moment im thinking it would be nice to just have anything in a jar lol. gots me a nice variety this time with 4 different strains. both the sun maiden and morning glories sport a nice sativa high and the bubba76 and the dutch delight will be heavy indica stones so its gonna be nice. especially if i get some grape flavour in the sun maiden and the berry smell on the morning glories sticks around


Well-Known Member
Cap I've offered a few boys a try.. hit me up for dank.. pricey but worth every scent..more kush coming next week