Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Howdy all.. Need an opinion from my Braintrust. Do u guys think that if I put some cuttings outside now there wud be enough time for them to flower? Or do u think I'm just setting them up to be destroyed by a winter freeze?
It's meant to b a 9 week flower indoors..
Has any1 ever done any outdoor second seasoning where they keep their plant alive over the winter?
Where I live Ninj, it would kill them, we are having some cold nights coming upon us now, but considering where you live, you will definately fare better... :-P After Anzac Day, we all freeze our arses off here ...

Your winters are not too harsh are they??? We get minus 15 with a chill factor of minus 20.... lol... I'd give it a go, you never know till you try...



Well-Known Member
Ninja I've done a second harvest before and am doing it now. 4 bubblegum clones at a mates place, starting their second week of flower, so planning to finish early/mid May. By mid May we're having around 10hrs of light a day, June 21 being the winter solstice. Planting now will likely mean the majority of your flowering will be in sub 10hr/day light, and goodness knows the difference in the spectrums of light.

This time round I'm going to look at revegging over winter.. Don't know how it will work.

Upright Man

Well-Known Member
Ninja I've done a second harvest before and am doing it now. 4 bubblegum clones at a mates place, starting their second week of flower, so planning to finish early/mid May. By mid May we're having around 10hrs of light a day, June 21 being the winter solstice. Planting now will likely mean the majority of your flowering will be in sub 10hr/day light, and goodness knows the difference in the spectrums of light.

This time round I'm going to look at revegging over winter.. Don't know how it will work.
Part of flowering relies upon the angle of the earth in relation to the sun. I've read in a science mag it has something to do with deflection of less red light from the atmosphere. lol I think I might research that some more.

Upright Man

Well-Known Member
:sad::sad::mad::mad::mad:. One of my plants has gone hermie. Hacked it down 2nyt. Not happy camper. Stupid bagseed. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....doesn't happen often but when it does it sux.


Well-Known Member
Bagseed is so frustrating for hermies. My last bagseed was a beautiful smoke and is very hardy, but it has a tendency to hermie in it's last weeks of flowering.

I just pulled a seed out of my quick dried bubblegum popcorn... Fucking bagseed hermies!


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone :-)

Bagseed is something I swore I would never grow again...

I've smoked sooo much crap pot in my time that I balk at seeds with no known origin... :-? I'm not saying they can't be good, its just I fear the unknown when it comes to smoko, too many bad experiences...:evil:

That's the only reason why I've bought four quality strains and been given two, that I can get mothers from and just keep growing the sweetest shit ever, forever... Fingers crossed.... Hermaphrodites are not something I've had a lot of experience with...

Do they look a lot different than single sex plants??, are they easy to spot???



Well-Known Member
boy bits situate themselves here n there and you still have the lady hairs, had some crackin hermies


Well-Known Member
A quick q; how much distance needs to be put between a 1000w hps in a non cooled bat wing reflector and the timber roof it's hanging from? There will be a fan available to circulate air, but I imagine you shouldn't hang it flush with the ceiling but leave some space or airflow.


Well-Known Member
oh if yer just trying to avoid like a house fire, i'd say 10cm? lol i'm running a couple 400w at the moment but a mate has 1000w hps running and it gets mighty warm

oh lordy both my girls have play dates comin home from school with them today, i better go get food ready for the onslaught lol


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone :-)

Bagseed is something I swore I would never grow again...

I hate Hermie Bagseeds, it's something that plagued me early in my growing days.. Now I prefer clones. It shows it was a good enough strain and good genetics for a serious grower to go to all the effort of mothering..
Plus it let's some1 else do allthe hard-work, lol :lol:


Well-Known Member
Knickers is the globe sideways
if so 50 mm between the top of the reflector and the ceiling will be fine
get a wall mount fan and mount it high and push air right at it
yes that's right you will now need to mount another power point cause if you rooms like mine there is something in every fucking one lol


Well-Known Member
Knickers is the globe sideways
if so 50 mm between the top of the reflector and the ceiling will be fine
get a wall mount fan and mount it high and push air right at it
yes that's right you will now need to mount another power point cause if you rooms like mine there is something in every fucking one lol
yeah it sucks arse for cfl growers in australia we pretty much need 1 powerslot per globe were as the yanks just need 1 and mount up like 10 y splitters..


Well-Known Member
This is for a basement :D but yeah the lights will be horizontal. I guess they can be started off with a good foot of space, and then adjust whilst checking how hot it gets. As long as I can get them less than 30cm from the ceiling no probs then cool. Powerpoints are no problem.


Well-Known Member
well i just found out ive killed 8 of my new seeds by picking them up and moving them to soil without washing my hands ... my mate reckons the nicotine on my fingers killed them ... there goes like 50 bucks down the toilet.


Well-Known Member
This is for a basement :D but yeah the lights will be horizontal. I guess they can be started
off with a good foot of space, and then adjust whilst checking how hot it gets. As long as I can get them less than 30cm from the ceiling no probs then cool. Powerpoints are no problem.
id say youd be fine hanging that about 6 inches off the ceilling , if your worried u can also get a fan as jimmy said , isnt there some sort of flame retardant material u can put between it ? some steel or something ?