Aurora Indica & Wonder Women 2 plant scrOG!


Well-Known Member
this grow was aborted early! I got tipped off about a search warrant request and it turned out to be true! I took down my grow room 3 days before the raid! I got about 2 oz 7 weeks into flowering! it is still drying!


Well-Known Member
how did u keep your weed drying without the cops seeing them.
but damn man. luckily you got tippd off. Pics please. did they say this site aided to the search warrent?
i just through up a update check um out.


Well-Known Member
WHAT!!! More details! Well its up to you lol, damn well at least all is good in the hood except the fact i wouldnt grow for a while lol. Sad story wolf hope nothing else comes your way. ..... So... Whens the next grow :wall: j/k


Well-Known Member
i only use 3-4 ML per gallon of water. water with plain water first the add the bushmaster mix. then flush it out the next day! that is it


Well-Known Member
The warrant was issued for an un-related issue, I was renting rooms out Illegally. I took the plant and hid it out in the woods, for 6 days until they came, I also took down all my gear, it came down very fast. It took me 8 hours to set it all back up after they left! After they left I thought it would be better to harvest instead of bringing it back in! I'll up load some pics later! This website has nothing to do with it!


Well-Known Member
I got between 1 and 1 1/2 oz of dry bud, after i remove all the final bud I'll most likely end up with just over an Oz. I'm happy with that, for having to abort the grow and harvest 3 weeks early. The weed is good it gets you high, but it could have been much better. So I can not give an opinion on this strain.

The new grow has already began! I will be doing a Feminized Full Moon Scrog! I also have a very nice looking Feminized White Widow plant, that I plan on making a mother plant. Out of the 4 seeds I planted about two weeks ago, the White Widow looks the best. I also topped her already, and she is going to make a perfect Mother plant! I'll post the link to the new journal later! It will be a full moon scrog journal, but IU'll post a pic of the White Widow there as well



Well-Known Member
Sorry about the bad luck Wolf. The buds look awesome even though they are a few weeks premature. I'll be following along on your next grow though. Have you started the log yet?


Well-Known Member
no I have not started the journal yet I am in the process of taking pics right now though .. I'll post up a link here ASAP I'm thinking with in 2 hours! Hopefully !


Well-Known Member
This is my plan; I will keep the White Widow for a Mother Plant, along with the Super Skunk. The Full Moon Will Be my next Scrog grow ( my first Sativa strain), and the papaya I'm not sure what I'll do with that one, I may give it to a friend to keep as a Mother plant.

I keep changing what I plan on doing so it is hard to keep a journal, I just came back in from a walk in the woods, and I have a real nice super-cropped, Aurora Indica, and another super skunk plant out there. They both look very nice, especially the Aurora Indica (So far my fav strain), I think I might take just the Aurora Indica plant and bring it in and put her under the 400 watt hps. She is starting to bud now and I think I'll get more bud if I bring her in?? But I'm not sure..

To be the next journal I'll post a link tonight~TY

