Attention People Who DEBATE Over Religion.


Active Member
:/ Yeah i guess not, I see that now.

Idk I was tryin to get some people to just chill and see eye-to-eye but I guess a lot of people are actually incapable of doing that.

No matter what they can't just sit down and say "Ok well they think what they want, and I will think what I want."

......just seems silly....


Well-Known Member
Where's the debate?

Someone show me any evidence of Jesus Christ having existed. How bout we start with that?



Active Member
Where's the debate?

Someone show me any evidence of Jesus Christ having existed. How bout we start with that?

Nice one! I also wonder this. Have yet to be shown the proof. You'd think such a mystical man would have at least ONE real first hand account on record somewhere....


Well-Known Member
1. Religion is responsible for more deaths in the history of mankind BY FAR than anything else.
2. There are at least three seperate stories that I know of that are the exact same story as the bible, 12 disciples, water to wine, healing the blind man, born of a virgain, all tht good stuff and they were all written a few hundred to a couple thousand years before the "supposed birth of jesus christ." THE EXACT SAME STORY with the names changed up a little bit. The bible is a book of made up stories to try and create good morals and human knidness. It is not literal.
3. One of the first fn things the bible says is that god created earth in 6 days and then rested and all that bull shit. In genesis the bible says that the Earth is 5000 years old. Um, no, its not. Scientists obviously know the lifespan of the earth and it is almost 4 billion years old. Not 5000 lol. People say oh well what about the dinosaurs? Religous people then say oh ya, that's God testing our faith. Sorry, but no. We did not live with dinosaurs and some "God" did not put them on this planet to "test our faith."
4. There are so many different religions out there today. That is a main problem with religion in itself. If you really believe in God, it is selfish to believe that of all 25+ religions there are that yours is just automatically the right one because that is what youre taught. No.
5. I could go on all day but it really just upsets me when I imagine where mankind could be right now if we focuse all of the energy that we put into religion on productive things. Religion holds back humanity, and when we overcome these moralistic stories and realize that that is all they really are, is stories, it will be the greatest hurdle that mankind has ever leaped over. It will truly change the future. With all that being said, as of right now at this point in time we need the bible. And we need religion. Religion is the stopper, or the helper that is keeping billions of people happy and sane. Without it violence, suicide, depression, and everything that goes along with these would dramatically rise and ultimately lead to an even more dangerous world. Ill stop here for now. (97% of scientists are atheist. Are you smarter than them?).

-The worst part of the whole religion thing is that almost every country in the world is being ran and dictated by religion, including our own (U.S.). That creates amazingly irrational thinking and ultimately incorrect decisions and poor ideas.

-And fuck Obama. If you voted for him you should die, Way to fuck over all the smart people who didnt vote for tht monkey.

-"Lighthouses are more useful than churches." -Benjamin Franklin


Well-Known Member
I was tryin to get some people to just chill and see eye-to-eye but I guess a lot of people are actually incapable of doing that.
i'm afraid that just isn't what people do. even those in seeming agreement often resort to argument over the most innocuous of differences. religion, being so closely linked to our hopes and fears, is even more prone to becoming a battleground than any other subject. it is an integral part of our own feelings of self-worth. even the most steadfast atheist or most rabid anti-theist will seldom admit just how inconsequential the human capacity for intellect or even life in general is in whatever grand scheme there may be for the universe. you would be hard pressed to find anyone willing to happily admit that this earth is of no importance amid the innumerable other orbs spinning through the cosmos. religion is at the center of humanity's hubris. it resides there with our devotion to science and our desire for conquest and dominion. without becoming another species entirely, we will never outgrow our need for it and it will always divide us.

by the way, this was the essence of my previous post. sarcasm doesn't preclude the possibility of an earnest answer and you really shouldn't rush to underestimate your audience.


Active Member
i'm afraid that just isn't what people do.
Lol define "people" then. Because myself and plenty of people I know are able to do this.

I guess if you mean the majority then fine....

I wasn't underestimating anybody, only replying to the responses I got, no estimation lol.

I guess I forgot how much people like to bicker and argue about dumb little shit....damn


Well-Known Member
Here's my take on why people debate and get all preachy about this stuff so much...

Christianity, like islam, is a very aggressive religion. That's one of the main reasons it's so big. In the past they were able to murder and torture people for not joining their club. Now, they're only able to spread propaganda and go around the planet trying to convince people. But, converting others has always been a big focus for them. It's built into their mythology that you'll suffer eternal torture if you don't join their club. There are plenty of other religions that don't have torture threats as a foundation. As mush as ever, christianity is still all over grabbing money and political power.

And, the thing is, christianity has dominated, and been the foundation of, western culture - especially america. It affects all of us in western culture, whether or not we're christian. Our society is built on it. The idea that spirituality is a contest see who can gather the most people is ingrained in our society. So, even atheists have grown up with the general feeling that preaching and converting are a normal part of life.


Well-Known Member
Lol define "people" then. Because myself and plenty of people I know are able to do this.
I guess if you mean the majority then fine....
it has often been observed that a person is capable of great reason and compassion, but that people are as dumb as a box of rocks and meaner than your neighbor's pit bull. the more the individual buys into any group's ideology, the more he becomes nothing more than an arm of that mob. no matter the basis of that ideology, whether it is religious, scientific or political, the self-image of the individual begins to become dependent on the image of the group. even the most independent individual is often trapped by the will of the mob. when you attack the validity of something as important as the mob's concept of the meaning of life, you are bound to cause a violent reaction.


Active Member
Every religion no matter what it is all preaches the same thing. Love your fellow man and only do good things. But every religion without exception has blood on its hands. A couple of months ago I was talking to a fellow co worker about religion. He deep down believed that unless you except Jesus in your heart you will not go to heaven. Even if you were the best person in the world. This guy was trying so hard to get me to go to his church. This guy believed every word in the bible and took it as the undisputed truth. Talk about being brainwashed. If your in to religion and god or even if your not i dont care more power to you. But people should always question things its what makes us human. To just blindly follow gospel is so ignorant.


Well-Known Member
Completely agree. The bible is good, and religion is good, but not for the reasons that people believe. It creates hapiness and kindness and strong and good morals for people all over the world (unless youre muslim), but the bible is not a literal story at all whatsoever. It is a collection of made up stories handed down from generation to generation to create "better people," not an account of some magical guys life named Jesus Christ. People who are over the age of lets say 30 have the idea of religion and God ingrained into their deepest thoughts, and really into their DNA so invasively that their minds cannot be changed. That's really OK. They are better people for it, and we are much smarter and rational than them. What bothers me the most is how much time and effort and money is spent on religion that it truly holds back humanity and mankind in such a way that will be devistating to our advancement if people's minds are not changed. Imagine where we would be in a hundred years without religion. Luckily I believe that the future generations will start to denounce religion more and more and you can see the evidence of that on places like this forum right here.


Well-Known Member
A true believer walks the walk and deals with themselves which is a life long journey. Arguing over problems in man made systems (Religion) is as helpful as holding your breath and hoping that your enemy suffocates. The truth is we all believe in something. happy love!


Well-Known Member
not all believers take the bible as the explicit word of god. me for one, and deists and other people im sure. i question the bible because i was endowed with reason. so you see there's really no difference between me a believer and you an atheist.
and c'mon, you cant tell me science never leads us down the wrong path. atomic bombs for one, can achieve what no religion can, and thats destruction of everything. automobiles, great means of transportation, but at what costs to the ozone. the gulf coast..various other things.
if we all got off the thought of "whats cheapest today" and went to a "what can lead to a better tomorrow or healthier, etc" we'd all be better. atheist and believers alike.
atomic bombs? achieve what no religion can? thats 100% correct. they end wars.. religions start them.
automobiles? c'mon thats just human developement. and without science you would know fuck all about the ozone.
the gulf coast?. well you cant say science had anything to do with that disaster. when is was caused by the greed of fat americans fuelling their lazy lives.


Well-Known Member
atomic bombs? achieve what no religion can? thats 100% correct. they end wars.. religions start them.
automobiles? c'mon thats just human developement. and without science you would know fuck all about the ozone.
the gulf coast?. well you cant say science had anything to do with that disaster. when is was caused by the greed of fat americans fuelling their lazy lives.
Personally, I think we need a good religous crusade. We, the government, have gotten much too big for our britches. We can either install the Fear of god, or continue along with this fear of the population itself. To be honest I think fear of god was actually working better.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I think we need a good religous crusade. We, the government, have gotten much too big for our britches. We can either install the Fear of god, or continue along with this fear of the population itself. To be honest I think fear of god was actually working better.
Are you insane?

Why would you suggest we get rid of one power hungry entity to replace it with another?

Kinda difficult to be afraid of something you don't believe exists...


Well-Known Member
atomic bombs? achieve what no religion can? thats 100% correct. they end wars.. religions start them.
automobiles? c'mon thats just human developement. and without science you would know fuck all about the ozone.
the gulf coast?. well you cant say science had anything to do with that disaster. when is was caused by the greed of fat americans fuelling their lazy lives.
atomic bombs? achieve what no religion can? thats 100% correct. they end wars.
LOOOOOLLLLLL. that is the funniest thing ever.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I think we need a good religous crusade. We, the government, have gotten much too big for our britches. We can either install the Fear of god, or continue along with this fear of the population itself. To be honest I think fear of god was actually working better.
you have a point.


Well-Known Member
not all believers take the bible as the explicit word of god. me for one, and deists and other people im sure. i question the bible because i was endowed with reason. so you see there's really no difference between me a believer and you an atheist.
and c'mon, you cant tell me science never leads us down the wrong path. atomic bombs for one, can achieve what no religion can, and thats destruction of everything. automobiles, great means of transportation, but at what costs to the ozone. the gulf coast..various other things.
if we all got off the thought of "whats cheapest today" and went to a "what can lead to a better tomorrow or healthier, etc" we'd all be better. atheist and believers alike.
UM.... Actually you must be really high because not only can religion, and by that i mean your supposed GOD cause the destruction of everything in the blink of an eye if he wanted to, but you also think that he created everything. In 6 days. LOL. So in this twisted comparison between God and the atomic bomb, if science leads us down the wrong path with the atom bomb, which could barely destroy everything on earth (maybe with a bunch of them), then how wrong must the path that "God" is leading us down be if he can destroy everything much more easily than an atom bomb. LOL. (I know thats not very rarional, but neither are you) Also, if you idiot religios believers would open your eyes and your minds (I just used a religious saying against religion hehe) you would see that science can prove that religion and God is not real. And THAT is leading us down the right path. Religion has never led us down the wrong path? Religion is responsible for more deaths than anything in human history. Not to mention the fuckin Koran tells its believers to kill all infadels. LOL. And are you saying that we should just sit back and not create automobiles? And just sit here and stay in the stone age? (I already know your answer and it is this: "No, we should work on finding better ways to burn fuel with less affect on our planet.") Well that's a great idea!!! So how about all you BILLIONS of religious people stop spending countless hours a day on praying to something that doesnt exist, and do something productive for mankind and figure out a fuckin way to burn cleaner fuel!!!!!

One more thing buddy. Do you think that if when you were born your parents substituted the little mermaid in for the bible, and you were taught that your whole life that you would think any differently about the little mermaid than you do about the real bible? "Ya that's crazy mermaids arn't real." Oh, ok, but talking serpants and flying angels and a 5000 year old earth and one person who at the same time is three different things (the holy trinity) is understandable? Ok, I understand. LOL.


Well-Known Member
And you wern't "endowed" with reason by some mystical power it is part of the evolutionary process that we, as humans went through.