Attack of the clones!!!!Sam's Last Stand!


Active Member
How's everyone doin Third time around and this one I'm getting some help on.

This is my setup 250w MH/HPS( no side lights this time)
Weather station
3 plants(2 sativa, 1 indica all clones of plants from my second grow

This time around I've nearly finished vegging and have about 3 days till flowering I'm using nutes on one of them and organic the other.

I'll be pushing both the sativas while taking clones from the organic one and the indica. so two plants will be butchered a bit not alot and one kept in tact.

RIU need some help with this one both my last harvests have been subject to less than desirable outcomes because of carelessness in my first grow and safety issue in my last. I shouldn't have either issue this time around so the help I'll need is which ferts should I use and why?

I have beastie bloomz and a some shultsz african violet stuff as of now and all the organic additives from my second grow. I want buds that I'm in love with or at least proud of and Im asking for a lil help. After this grow I'm ordering some seeds and a better light(sorry 250 club need something better) so getting this one mastered is key for me.

Thanks and enjoy the ride with me guys..........Attack of the clones!!!


Active Member
Lil update for you guys
Tied down my L.G. and Indicas and transplented them to 2 &1/2 gallon containers raised them on top of a rubbermaid container so now they're 7 inches aways from my canopy. I can allready see the benefits of tying them down because all parts of my plant are recieving light. I'm leaning towards vegging for an extra week to get more length on my inner branches I want bouquet type results this time around. I like my chances with this new technique and its amazing how every grow I'm becoming more aware and knowledgeble about this whole thing. Saddly though two branches of my L.G. snapped during bending but I just planted them back into the pot away from my bent branches sorta like two clones,hopefully when I'm ready to flower they'll be good enough to go aswell. My third plant my other L.G. is going to be transplented to a 2 gallon as well or I'll just take clones, the problem is my grow space for my type of light is decent for about two decent sized plants so I don't want to push a thrid space/light eating plant (I want to have ample amount of light for two plants to definetly put on a good amount of weight) so I can honestly say all I need is two clones but what should I do with all those other branches. Well hopefully I get some bread and can pick up a ufo_Oh yeah the plants are about 6 weeks old and were under a t8 veg spec for the duration. Anyways thanks again RIU for the feedback lol peace guys


Active Member
Oh yeah has anyone bought a gen 3 ufo I'm leaning towards the one from HTG supply if anyone has and has results I'd apprecaite it either that or I'm getting a 400 watt hps.