

Well-Known Member
Cracker you are so funny! Prayer actually does work, when you do it right.
So what is the right way to pray?

"Dear GodThing,
Here is a list of items that could occur by random chance or natural phenomenon. I will pray for all these items and if any one occurs, I will discount all failures, and give credit to you for the one success. Even if it actually turns out to be due to the hard work of someone else, like a scientist discovering a cure for something, or a philanthropist helping a needy family.
Your superstitious and irrational followers."

This method seems to be the standard.


Active Member
I think a more reasonable way of understanding prayer would be as an active thrust towards communication. Not verbalized comm. or inner dialouge in some form like language. more like sexual communication. (not this context anyway). Prayer is easier to (begin to) wrap your head around when understood as an active "opening up" a communion, coming together type of dynamic experience. not "i want this, so and so isnt fair, don't do that, help me with this"


Well-Known Member
Well, a few people suggested it, so I finally got around to making a YouTube channel.
Let the death threats from "loving Christians" commence!



Well-Known Member
Well, a few people suggested it, so I finally got around to making a YouTube channel.
Let the death threats from "loving Christians" commence!

Glad you joined, MG! You just got your first YT subscriber a few seconds ago. :mrgreen:

I'll have to watch later, though. The newest version of Ubuntu has a glitch in resolving several audio drivers in the update/kernel stuff (lol), and of course mine is one of them. :roll: Murphy's pissed at me, I tell ya! :lol: I'm trying out the suggested workarounds right now (none have worked more than a day or two so far), while the Ubuntu team is working to find where they screwed up and fix it.

Told you I'm a Linux n00b! :bigjoint: Speaking of... if anyone in here is even just a tad Linux Savvy, I'd be beyond grateful for some pointers with things like modifying files such as "menu.lst", etc., because some of the suggested workarounds tell you to do this, but don't explain in "stupid" terms. :lol: OH! If anyone has used Linux photo, video, and sound editing software that does what the user wants without taking years to learn, please send me links via PM or my profile visitor messages page. (CD/DVD burning progs, too!) I really don't want to go back to using WinBlow$, but if I can't find good progs I'll have to use the Evil OS whenever I need to do projects... I not only need to do some projects ASAP, but I miss doing them! :cry:

And now, we shall return to the regularly scheduled program... plus, my pipe is lonely, and calling to me. :eyesmoke: I need sleep... second star to the right, and straight on till morning! :sleep:


Well-Known Member
Hahah, 'just some random mutation in the genetics... oh wait not that."

Good video man. Thanks for sharing.


Well-Known Member
Cracker you are so funny! Prayer actually does work, when you do it right.
Had to come back and re-address this.

If you are aware of the "correct" way to pray, so that it works, then it's quite sad that you haven't eliminated hunger, greed, war, disease, from the world. It's prayer after all. You don't need even need to leave your house to do it!

Okay, it's time for you to spout your "Cover Your Ass" material, about what prayer is and isn't capable of. Please cite your sources.

Also feel free to show people exactly where it tells you the proper methodology for prayer.