
So I know some of you stoners like astronomy and I LOVE to get feed back on new discoveries in the cosmos. I didn't know where this thread should have gone....

Jupiter has something to say.
"Fascinating recording of Jupiter sounds (electromagnetic "voices") by NASA-Voyager. The complex interactions of charged electromagnetic particles from the solar wind , planetary magnetosphere etc. create vibration "soundscapes". It sounds very interesting, even scary."

As voyager passed Jupiter, it recorded this:

This is the energy levels from different particles and elements being played out for us in terms we can relate to.,,,,

Our Borders..

Our sun pushes its electromagnetism far out and creates a barrier that pushes us through the galaxy:

We are but a ball falling down an endless hole.

How big the planets actually are (dot, dot, dot)

"We are just a bowl of dust in the morning sky" - Carl Sagan