Army Tried To Ban Press From Palin's Visit To Base

whos that cat?

New Member
Sarah Palin is bringing her Going Rouge tour to Fort Bragg next week. The public is allowed to attend, but the Army tried to keep the press out. Initially a Fort Bragg spokesman said the media would be banned, "fearing it would turn into political grandstanding against President Barack Obama," the AP reported. Perhaps realizing the illegality of this -- allowing the public and banning journalists is generally frowned upon in a free press society -- the Army recanted a bit. It is now letting a small pool of reporters "view and document" the event, but no interviews are allowed. Palin will not be speaking, just signing books. AP General Counsel Dave Tomlin said these restrictions are still "unlawful and unacceptable," the report said. This almost seems too preposterous to be true. So the Army is allowing Sarah Palin to conduct a book signing on the grounds of a base, but is worried about it turning political? Tomlin's comment on that fairly sums it up: "If Army regulations forbid 'political events', the Army should have considered that before allowing Palin to hold a public autograph session for a political book on the base," he said. It's also a fairly interesting comment from the Army that their concern is that the appearance of the press will turn it into "grandstanding" against Obama. Sure, people show off for cameras, but the Army is basically admitting that those who are coming to line up to see Palin will likely be those who showed up at her rallies -- when she was running for that political office known as the vice-presidency. Their comments indicate they knew it was going to be a political event, so a sinister mind might deduce that they just did not want coverage of it. In truth, they probably knew the servicepeople would enjoy it, and that was their basis for hosting the event. But they should have thought ahead a little on this one. If Army policy prevents "political events," then it just should not have been allowed. Trying to bar the press -- and even "just" limiting their access -- is a cover-up, not an honest way to prevent the politicizing they are worried about. Political or not, it is a free speech issue. If you open the doors to the public, you open the doors to the press. It's just a tiny thing called the First Amendment.

whos that cat?

New Member
so its not against the rules to have a politician or whatever the bitch is come on base and bash the commander in chief????? well shit last time i checked it was illegal to say negative things about the commander in chief while on base. but hey i guess the rules just changed now that bush aint in power so it is okay to talk shit about the commander in chief on a military base. WHAT A BUNCH OF FUCKIN HYPOCRITES!

fog horn

New Member
so its not against the rules to have a politician or whatever the bitch is come on base and bash the commander in chief????? well shit last time i checked it was illegal to say negative things about the commander in chief while on base. but hey i guess the rules just changed now that bush aint in power so it is okay to talk shit about the commander in chief on a military base. WHAT A BUNCH OF FUCKIN HYPOCRITES!
True. Palins entire pathetic existence revolves around her hate for President Obama and our country. It perplexes me as to why she is even allowed onto a military base.


Well-Known Member
True. Palins entire pathetic existence revolves around her hate for President Obama and our country. It perplexes me as to why she is even allowed onto a military base.
Hate? What hate? Examples please.

She may disagree with most of Obama's policies, so do I. But that is not hate.


Well-Known Member
so its not against the rules to have a politician or whatever the bitch is come on base and bash the commander in chief????? well shit last time i checked it was illegal to say negative things about the commander in chief while on base. but hey i guess the rules just changed now that bush aint in power so it is okay to talk shit about the commander in chief on a military base. WHAT A BUNCH OF FUCKIN HYPOCRITES!
She is promoting a book. The book is about her, not Obama.

You only assume she will badmouth the Messiah. What if she does? Big fucking deal.

She's not in the military so the chain of command does not apply to her.

The First Amendment applies to her, too. Just as it gives the press the right to cover her appearance.

fog horn

New Member
Palin the quitter has got no business on a military base. President Obama needs to put a stop to this shit and ban the bitch and her cohorts from ever going on a military base.


Well-Known Member
Palin the quitter has got no business on a military base. President Obama needs to put a stop to this shit and ban the bitch and her cohorts from ever going on a military base.
Palin's son Track, or Field, or whatever the fuck his name is, is currently serving as an infantryman in the U.S. Army. He's a fighting man.

He does not pound a keyboard, cook, or hand out ammo so other guys can do the fighting. He's a combat soldier.

Are you saying she has no right to access a military post to visit her son?

jeff f

New Member
Palin the quitter has got no business on a military base. President Obama needs to put a stop to this shit and ban the bitch and her cohorts from ever going on a military base.
wow, good idea. havent heard a better one since.....stalin? yes stalin. then what we could do if she refuses to play obamas game....kill her with plutonium.....yep good idea. and then the libs hate when we call them stalinists/marxists. our "hate filled speech" from the "christians conservatives" is so over the top, but banning her from a military base is A O K.


New Member
Palin's son Track, or Field, or whatever the fuck his name is, is currently serving as an infantryman in the U.S. Army. He's a fighting man.

He does not pound a keyboard, cook, or hand out ammo so other guys can do the fighting. He's a combat soldier.

Are you saying she has no right to access a military post to visit her son?
Visiting her son is one thing. Speaking to soldiers trying to polute their minds is another. Oh how you like to spin.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
actually the miltary can deny public access to its base
If they do permit the public to attend a particular event, they should not selectively disregard the first amendment and right of the press. Funny I thought all those G.I. Joe's took an oath to DEFEND the constitution, not OFFEND IT.

Sarah Palin is not the answer, but apparently the Repubicans are going to trot her out there in 2012, if there is anything left of the country then anyway.
that Obama hasn't fucked up yet.

She is apparently going to be the designated loser...can't rely on Bob Dole, er John McCain to still be kickin' then I guess.

This whole left vs right thing is really funny.
What a great way to fool people into thinking that they have a choice.

fog horn

New Member
Palin's son Track, or Field, or whatever the fuck his name is, is currently serving as an infantryman in the U.S. Army. He's a fighting man.

He does not pound a keyboard, cook, or hand out ammo so other guys can do the fighting. He's a combat soldier.

Are you saying she has no right to access a military post to visit her son?
Shes not going on the base to visit her son shes selling her lame books and trashing President Obama.


Well-Known Member
Shes not going on the base to visit her son shes selling her lame books and trashing President Obama.
Perhaps you should re-read your own post. You left no room for exceptions.
Palin the quitter has got no business on a military base. President Obama needs to put a stop to this shit and ban the bitch and her cohorts from ever going on a military base.
Palin is allowed access to any military post where the general public is allowed.

You would exclude her because you fear she would be mean to Obama, even though the book is about her.

In reality your fears mirror the fears of the White House: The public seeing servicemen coming out in droves to see her, cheer her, and buy her books.

What's next, banning all her public appearances everywhere?


Well-Known Member
you guys went all out with this one... i don't think it's a big deal, nothing really happened....

here's my theory of what happened here:

someone from the palin camp called in a favor at the base to have the signing there. the idiot on the phone said yes.

when the idiot's boss finds out he has a fit, and doesn't want to get into deep shit, so he decides to make the book signing a small, incogneto event. he plans on achieving this by not having lots of media coverage. the plan is to not start giving out press passes till the very end hopefully the news orgs will be busy following news elsewhere.......he underestimates the "famousness" of sarah palin and the media starts sounding the CENSORSHIP horns.....the whole thing blows over. he gets a slap on the wrist for being an idiot's boss, and we continue on with our lives....

that's what I think....


Active Member
Visiting her son is one thing. Speaking to soldiers trying to polute their minds is another. Oh how you like to spin.
And what do you know about what the military thinks about Obama? I just got out and the general consensus is that people in uniform HATE Obama. Almost every thing that he does from socialized health care to don't ask don't tell, is strongly diagreed with by most service members.

fog horn

New Member
And what do you know about what the military thinks about Obama? I just got out and the general consensus is that people in uniform HATE Obama. Almost every thing that he does from socialized health care to don't ask don't tell, is strongly diagreed with by most service members.
Its not Bushs army anymore.

IF someone in the military hates President Obama and what he is doing then they are in the wrong profession and need to pack their bags and GET THE FUCK OUT like the dishonorable traitors they are.