Arjan's Haze 3 Grow Report


Well-Known Member
Making every mistake a novice grower makes, I literally harvested 1 ounce out of my four plants in my first experience (including famous White Russian, Sensistar)

To be honest , i just harvested some experience from my first grow.
Living In Toronto, I went to Sacred seeds for the second time , trying to find an Indoor "sativa' Strain. Having some height issue with my first Indica strains I ended up buying 10 feminised Arjan's haze 3 and 10 regular Skunk#1(Dutch Passion) which was the wise Guy's suggestion ( and I will never regret it).
I use Hydroponics,including a continues DWC with intermittent dripping system.

Nutrient during vegetative state was FloraNova grow and flouralicious plus(General Hydroponics) . I have a very good aeration in my system including two 8 inches Airstone for every reservoir and a 35 liter per minute industrial air pump for two or more reservoirs ( Photo no 1).

Germination was in rockwool after a day of soaking in water. It took 2 to 3 days for 5 out of 5 to sproud.One of them did not grow more than 2 inches and acted like a bonsai plant and I removed it after couple of weeks and one of them did not growfast as the others and it finally ended up a short dark green plant and made about an ounce of puffy buds.

Vegetative state grow rate was fast like most Indicas.from the first leaves you can see they have a sativa dominant genome.(photo 2,3,4).

I use General electric T12 plant and Aquarium fluorescent with about 400 lumen per square feet during vegetative state.

The internodes distance was stable and actually closer than some indicas . The stems turned to a pinky, red color specially when they were under fluorescent.( photo 5,6 ).

Generally they turned out to a beautiful plant during vegetative state( photo 7) and the grow rate was about 1 to 2 inches in some days but as you can see they did not grow taller than the same age skunk#1 which I was growing at the same time(photo 8,9).

They stayed in vegetative state for 30 days and then I turned the light to 12/12 under fluorescent for 5 days.

Photo 12, 13: last day of vegetation. 31 days old.

Photo 14: internodes spacing was fix and close enough for a sativa ,about 10 to 12 cm in the middle of plant.
The tallest plant was 62 cm when they went under 1000 watt HPS(Sylvania).

From the beginning of flowering the middle plant grew faster and was the dominant plant until the last 4 weeks when the middle one stopped growing and other plants grew more than before.

Photo 16: 20 days into flowering

Photo 17: the dominant AH3

Photo18: some of the middle fan leaves showed some indica quality but the cola fan leaves changed to sativa shape again.

Photo 19:left Arjan's haze 3 , Right Skunk #1.

From 5 skunk#1 three turned female but during some moving I broke two healthier and taller females . the survivor skunk was the shortest and the yellow one but during the following weeks it turned out to be a beautiful short skunk giving me about two ounces of fantastic heavy compacted bud with a distinctive skunk smell and high. It changed my whole idea about skunk and now I can understand what makes people skunk lover so to speak ( photo 54).

Photo 21: two month old 100 centimeter tall AH3

Photo 25: 5 weeks into flowering

The grow rate was fix except for week 2 to 4 of flowering which was faster.

I found two phenotype: three out of four showed the same phenotype but one was more sativa like and was the last one which matured.(photo 42)

They will not grow taller than an Indica .
I noticed they need a huge amount of light and they cant tolerate heat very you can see in photo 44 fan leaves of colas turned crispy and dry and yellow and curled up which shows the heat problems.

If they don’t receive enough light they turn to dark green and the heat does the same to them.

I made some mistake again especially some 2700 EC during the late flowering and some 33 degree heat surges for couple of hours but even before that I had some problem with Just My Arjan’s haze and not skunk or white Russian who took the whole grow room in a few weeks .

The average temperature during the day was 25 and 20 during the dark cycle and average humidity was about %40(Max 65, min25).
They can cope with restricted space and I think they are not a bad choice for sea of green .

They give you a compact dense cola which counts for about half of the final harvest.
I had no problem with controlling smell with this strain.My solo skunk plant was the dominant smell of the grow room . if you have any problem with concealing the smell this is a good choice. During the flowering they have a distinctive grassy, metallic, fruity smell. You would like to smell them. The point is if you have some problem with the smell leak to neighbors then this plant Does NOT smell like other cannabis plant and if there is any smell leak , your neighbor does not seem to distinguish the smell like a marijuana plant.
Greenhouse Seeds Company claims:

This is a short sativa: True
the final height was 134,128,123, 88 Cm after 11.5 weeks of flowering.

They say it has a very fruity smell: True ,it has the fruity bubblegum smell and the smell was virtually the same in all plants all the time.

I could not find any obvious difference between the highs of the plants .

They say it is a high yielder:
I should say it is(kind of) ,It cant beat indica yield but the buds are compact and it is not a stretchy plant so it does not occupy much space of your grow room.
I harvested 4, 3(sativa phenotype), 2 and one ounce(10 ounce from my reservoir)
Arjan says this is a potential cannabis cup winner, I doubt about it. It is not a champion and it is a picky plant which reflects every mistake you make.

The smoke: it is a typical sativa high ( I just can compare the smoke quality with a few previous experience I had with some sativa dominant plants so it cant be very accurate).The high makes me more active but not more social as they claim.It is not a weekend smoke.

Carrying the buds is easy and it does not have any pungent smell but a subtle fruity smell.

Interestingly enough ,I found this plant a good plant for pain relief despite it’s sativa dominancy( I have a long history of back pain and surgery for it).

I think this plant is not a good candidate for hydroponics but it is just a guess.

It took 11 weeks and 4 days to harvest but commercially it did not add any weight in last week or so.
my overall rating of this s is 7 out of 10.

Photo 45 to 51 : Final harvest

Photo 53: Good luck and have a happy highlife.



Active Member
sweeeeet but you should have got a breeding chamber nd bred some of those seeds 4 me that would be mad sick


Well-Known Member
sweeeeet but you should have got a breeding chamber nd bred some of those seeds 4 me that would be mad sick
now i am working on a Kush project. finding a good strain for my brother who has insomnia, back pain and anxiety ( I personally have deppression instead of anxiety in this beautiful family collection !!!). it seems i need a purple kush, who has all these medicinal effect plus its taste and high...


Well-Known Member
Very nice. Now I see what I'll be using next year. My plants are probably easily gonna be over 6-7 ft. when done. Can't wait to see your complete finished product.