Arjan's Haze #3 - 1st CFL grow


Well-Known Member
I'm watching this thread for sure, as I really want to try growing Haze #3 soon, after a few harvest of my white rhino, and Belladonna, which is close to this bread but 10% less Sativa. Good job so far. Can't wait to see the harvest pics and review on the smoke effect.


Well-Known Member
nice, thanks for all the interest. ill keep updating with more pics and status changes. and i cant wait to review the smoke :)


Well-Known Member
I cant wait either, i have been wanting to smoke sc since i heard the name. I have never heard anything about it, i just thought the name was the shit.


New Member
how do people sell their grow? honestly? I mean after watching it grow... and taking all that risk... god damn... haha


Well-Known Member
oh man my excitement for this just shot through the roof. my buds havent been "smelling" at all like what people complain about, so someone recommended pinching it.

well i pinched a smaller bud, and it smelled like pine and lemon! i almost dont want a carbon filter since its like have a built in air freshener for my gross room.

"Arjan's Haze #3 has a very woody sativa flavor, a taste of musk and campfires. Underneath is a scent of mint and lemon grass. This haze delivers a potent high with the qualities that most haze fans seek: a soaring clear-headed sensation that is never too heavy on thebody. This high creeps up slowly, but once its effects are felt, they stick around for a long while. It is a terriffic strain for creative moods and for the euphoria it can contribute to recreational activities. Anecdotally, it has been promising for chronic pain."

hopefully my hopes arent too high, but this is looking to be the best smoke of my life. and it flowers in just slightly over 2 months, which should be around early november :) :) :)

i highly recommend this strain (so far) for anyone looking to do a small CFL grow and enjoys a good sativa high.



Well-Known Member
i highly recommend this strain (so far) for anyone looking to do a small CFL grow and enjoys a good sativa high.
looking great, man

nice frosty buds, pretty dense for a cfl grow, seems to tolerate a bit of abuse

can't wait for the final weight & smoke report


Active Member

im about a month behind you doing some arjans haze no3 under cfl's for xmas.

this is my 2nd crop this year. its the best stuff ive ever smoked, even though the first crop didnt get all the way. looks like yours are doing extremely well, its a very vigorous strain, my first pair had meter high colas under 250w envirolites after 2 months. i hung my big envirolite right in between them and kept turning them so they got cooked on all sides !

it looks like these 2 offspring are going to be the same, i might post some pics soon if i can get it sorted.

keep it up mate, arjan IS the man is he not ???



Well-Known Member
poutineeh have you harvested them yet if you have how much did you get off them.coz thinkin ov doing a little grow room doin outdoor at da min takes to long and is cfl's any good to grow wid dont look to bad from da look off yours..........:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

im about a month behind you doing some arjans haze no3 under cfl's for xmas.

this is my 2nd crop this year. its the best stuff ive ever smoked, even though the first crop didnt get all the way. looks like yours are doing extremely well, its a very vigorous strain, my first pair had meter high colas under 250w envirolites after 2 months. i hung my big envirolite right in between them and kept turning them so they got cooked on all sides !

it looks like these 2 offspring are going to be the same, i might post some pics soon if i can get it sorted.

keep it up mate, arjan IS the man is he not ???

congrats on the harvest. im super excited for the smoke, because im pretty picky when it comes to what i like. i spent a few weeks looking at strains and which will give me an uplifting, social high, since im not a fan of couch lock, so im glad to hear you say its one of the best youve had.

your right that it is a vigorous strain though. i barely do anything, and they grow just fine. even when i almost killed them a 1.5 months ago with nute burn, they have jumped back. keep me posted on how your journal goes


Well-Known Member

im about a month behind you doing some arjans haze no3 under cfl's for xmas.

this is my 2nd crop this year. its the best stuff ive ever smoked, even though the first crop didnt get all the way. looks like yours are doing extremely well, its a very vigorous strain, my first pair had meter high colas under 250w envirolites after 2 months. i hung my big envirolite right in between them and kept turning them so they got cooked on all sides !

it looks like these 2 offspring are going to be the same, i might post some pics soon if i can get it sorted.

keep it up mate, arjan IS the man is he not ???

poutineeh have you harvested them yet if you have how much did you get off them.coz thinkin ov doing a little grow room doin outdoor at da min takes to long and is cfl's any good to grow wid dont look to bad from da look off yours..........:bigjoint:
i will be harvesting (if the flowering time advertised holds true) in about 2.5 weeks. im looking like i might get 2 ounces, and thats just from about 160 watts of CFL lights. i really need to look at the trichomes though, since i have no idea if they started to turn or not.

i am going to be gone for 5 days, so im going to give them a ton of water/molasses tomorrow, raise my lights a bit, and see how much they grow while im gone.


Well-Known Member
your plants are growing beautiful man keep on doing whatever your doing
i appreciate the kind words. its really a great, idiot-proof beginner strain so far. they did a great job on the breeding. its going to be nice to have this to smoke over x-mas break, since ill probably have to quit for a few months to prepare for any drug tests for summer jobs.


Active Member
hi potineeh

arjans haze 3 is not ONE of the best, i promise you it is THE best i ever had and ive been around a long time. do they smell yet ? i think the smell is beautiful, not sweaty like skunk, it actually made my house smell nice !!! the stone is just what you want, it sneaks up on you and really gets you moving.

i made 13 cuttings from these 2 before i started them flowering, i kept the cuttings on a windowsill and only 3 look like they might not make it. at this time of year that is amazing, they are really strong plants.

the 2 im flowering are not even 3 weeks in yet and they are covered in buds, i use bio bizz bloom and ive just got some bio heaven which is working well after only a couple of applications.

all the very best mate,

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
hi potineeh

arjans haze 3 is not ONE of the best, i promise you it is THE best i ever had and ive been around a long time. do they smell yet ? i think the smell is beautiful, not sweaty like skunk, it actually made my house smell nice !!! the stone is just what you want, it sneaks up on you and really gets you moving.

i made 13 cuttings from these 2 before i started them flowering, i kept the cuttings on a windowsill and only 3 look like they might not make it. at this time of year that is amazing, they are really strong plants.

the 2 im flowering are not even 3 weeks in yet and they are covered in buds, i use bio bizz bloom and ive just got some bio heaven which is working well after only a couple of applications.

all the very best mate,
hey bob, how long did you flower yours for?


Active Member

i had to finish the first crop after about 9 weeks because i was getting mold in my room but i reckon they definately wanted 2 more weeks. these 2 im doing now should have had 11 weeks at the beginning of december, if they need another week then, they will still be in time for xmas.

even at 9 weeks they really were a great smoke, and i didnt get chance to flush them


Active Member
Looking great man, in 8 weeks time my Arjan's Haze 3 will be done and I hope I do as well as you.

Just wondering, how tall are your plants? I tied mine down during veg and again when they shot up at the start of flower and I've managed to keep them at just over a foot tall, which I think is amazing given the size of other hazes!