Are these psilocybin


hey guys

I found this mushroom in a cluster of others like it in a local cemetery.

I checked on google and it looks like psilocybin.
If it is I am going out there tonight to pick some more.

What do you think?



Well-Known Member
thats not tru
not all psilos have veils
and certain poisonous mushies have veils
the easiest way to tell if it's poisonious, is to dig up the whole mushroom, that means what is in the ground too. If it has a "volva" which is a universal veil on the early stage of the mushrooms. If it has one then it does have poisonous property. altho it doesn't mean it will kill you. Amanita Muscaria has a universal veil, and is some what poisonous but the Ibotanic Acid that is in it turns to Muscimol in your body which makes you trip.


thats not tru
not all psilos have veils
and certain poisonous mushies have veils
ALL mushrooms have veils when they are immature fruiting bodies...after they reach a certain level of maturity, the veils break off from the main "stem," and the mushroom releases its spores. The best action to take when dealing with mushrooms that are difficult to identify, it's better to be safe than very, very sorry.


Well-Known Member
I've done my fair share of wild mushroom picking/hunting the last few years, and I'll tell you this: Don't eat that mushroom. You are lacking a lot of information for anyone here to try to give you a proper ID. Best thing you can do is surf over to and post a pic in there, but be prepared to disclose more information, ie, where YOU are at in the world, the general habit/terrain of the mushroom, proximity to bodies of water/streams/rivers, growing in field or forest, substrate the mushroom grew from, temperatures, spore print, etc etc.



Active Member
Not magical. Get a mushroom identifying book so you can be certain when picking others if youre gunna try hunting some more.