Are these Males Pics


Well-Known Member
I got 6 supposed female clones 5 months ago. I grew them out and cloned 50 little ones. It looks like 35 of them are male and 4 of the mothers are male. Here are some pics of what they look like. What a drag if they are. The other 15 look totally different. I just want to make sure before I cut them down. They have been flowering for 9 days. Thank God I labeled them just in case.



Well-Known Member
That's very sad. Where did you get the clones and can you get your hands around his neck?
Goes to show you "clones is liked a box of chocolates....and yada yada yada.
Obviously someone cloned males, out of greed or stupidity.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I guess thats what I get for putting my faith in this guy. I should have just started from seed. The thing that really sucks is that I have no idea what he gave me. It was supossed to be cali-o but now I have a feeling i got some random seed from a 25 dollar bag.


Well-Known Member
If didn't live three hundred miles away, my hands would already be around his neck.
If you bought them...what a waste, not to mention the expense, time, and frustration.

300 miles is not too far for an egregious sin like that.


Well-Known Member
Well the guy is a loser anyway. He was just the go between and a contact through a good friend. Its going to hurt being this close and tearing down 35 24inch plants growing nicely under 3000 watts. Sooo close but yet sooo far. At least there is fifteen left. Does anybody know if it is shitty bag weed will it still grow good dope. I know genetics is important but i dont want to spend anymore money if its a waste.


Well-Known Member
Well the guy is a loser anyway. He was just the go between and a contact through a good friend. Its going to hurt being this close and tearing down 35 24inch plants growing nicely under 3000 watts. Sooo close but yet sooo far. At least there is fifteen left. Does anybody know if it is shitty bag weed will it still grow good dope. I know genetics is important but i dont want to spend anymore money if its a waste.
"Bag seed is like a box of chocolates........"
Best weed I ever had came from bagseed.
Might as well finish it up, you've gone this far.


Active Member
grow em m8 they might nt b outa a 20 pound bag ov green it mite be summat nice like jack herer or awhite strain (keep em going)


Active Member
Hang tough my friend..its hard but...starting over is not so bad. Just look at what you have learned.

Good Luck and keep on growing.


Well-Known Member
You could finish up the grow and possibly get some seeds but it's going to take forever to clean all the pollen out of your grow room. A buddy of mine lost his last grow to residual pollen left in his room....they were nice girls too.


Well-Known Member
jesus christ who clones males?

if the "mother" is male then ALL THE CLONES WILL BE MALE!!



Active Member
Still can get a mild smoke outta them or better if they a good strain, or cook then up with butter and make cake or cookies.


Active Member
Sorry to see those my friend. If it is any consolation to you I had 3 males out of the last batch of beans I bought, but the others are trying to grow out of the closet...with flowers. Hang tough...I am finding that F1 hybrids are the most stable beans.