
Active Member
May have discovered a bit of a problem. I may have may flowers--sorry the pics are shitty but the best I could do. I'm in my third week flowering so it actually may be too late but I noticed these on one of the plants in the way back. Thoughts?



bud bootlegger
kinda hard to see, but they look like they are just normal buds growing, the bracts of the buds actually..


The pics i could see says there female .those appear to be the prebuds swelling .to many hairs to me to be a male. Better get another opinion though


Well-Known Member
cant really tell from the pics.... the buds look real swole for how big they r. are u sure there not seeds cuz thats kinda what it looks like

jw doe

cant really tell from the pics.... the buds look real swole for how big they r. are u sure there not seeds cuz thats kinda what it looks like
can always find out if it's seeded, take a toothpick and probe one, it's either seeded or swollen, too many hairs to be a male imho


Active Member
Im goin with swollen as well don't appear to be seeds to me. do as jw suggested and prob one to see for sure good luck


Active Member
Yep. Seeds were correct. I had a hermie in the back, I found some male sacks and a few that have opened. Crops ruined...oh well. Time to start a a new grow.

However, another question is now posed. I'm obviously going to scrub the FUCK out of the grow tent with bleached water, but is that even going to be enough to keep the pollen from this grow from lingering around and inflicting damage on the next one? When I cut down the plants and pulled them out of the tent, I'm sure the movement of the plant caused tons of pollen to be released in the area AROUND the grow room. How well of a cleaning job do I need to do? My tent's in the garage so I can't really scrub down the whole garage.

I'm really nervous that the lingering pollen is never going to go away and subsequently is going to wind up fucking me. Thoughts?


what I would do is get a "mold fogger." This is like a bug fogger except it gets rid of mold, bacteria, pollen, dust and dust mites. You should be safe after using this but if your really worried, you can get something called "dutch masters reverse." Essentially what it does is repels only male hormones in herme plants so that the sacs fall off and the plant reverts to a female. Its like a sex change for plants!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Lots of good responses. Iespecially like the fogger idea. Yeah, it will kill the pollen. Plain water will kill off the pollen. Just be certain to get every square inch. You growing bagseed? That's the only time I had problems with hermies was when I grew bagseed. Spectacular pot when it didn't get fertilized, much better than the weed it came from, but the genetics seem to be iffy at best.


New Member
The reverse is a good idea spray it on as soon as you want to flower. By the time its done the chemicals should be gone. that way this will never happen again.