Are there any problems with vaporizers?


New Member
I have one of those grasshoppers coming from Indiegogo soon, but I don't have much vaping experience. I do have one of those big ones with a tube you plug to a bag or just take hits from the hose. Sounds like a damn hive of bees though.

Was reading through some articles about which compounds activate, etc at which temperatures. Also ran into some which if you use concentrates with can screw up your lungs? They basically looked like crack pipes though which I figure is why (just not meant for concentrates).

Full disclosure is I am also working on a research paper around vaporizers. How they've changed, when they were created, became popular, which ones people prefer & why, etc. It's one of the reasons I bought the Grasshopper (plus i just thought it looked awesome).

Personally I like edibles, lotions, oils, etc. I'm hoping the grasshopper works out for me.


Well-Known Member
Ive had a Volcano for several years and I really like it. It smokes way smooth and it is a great way to taste the complex flavors of a strain that might go unnoticed when smoked out of a traditional bong or joint. That being said, Ive noticed that you dont get the same punch that you do from a bong, so I dont think Id only ever just vape.

The concentrates/ crack pipe thing you mentioned is a different bowl of wax altogether(perfect pun usage :) ) . I think youre referring to a dab rig, which is for hash oil and wax. You use a torch lighter for that and yes it is can be pretty hard on your lungs with regular usage. Dabbing is kind of the polar opposite of vaping, as one is just vapor and pretty mild and the other is like combusting and inhaling all the thc and smoke from like an eighth in one hit.

Edit: I mightve misread your post originally, it looks like you meant concentrates being used in a vaporizer, which Im not really familiar with

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
I don't own one but when I smoke with buddies it just doesn't seem like it hits me as hard. I don't know if im expecting too much and being let down when its just a clean high but I have no desire to buy one.


Well-Known Member
I own a Davinci Ascent, my first vaporizer that I've ever used. I also have noticed that the high feels cleaner. It's hard to pin down but it's a different high than I get from smoking a joint. I use it mostly for a daytime high. It's new to me so I'm still experimenting with it.


bud bootlegger
I don't own one but when I smoke with buddies it just doesn't seem like it hits me as hard. I don't know if im expecting too much and being let down when its just a clean high but I have no desire to buy one.
I own a Davinci Ascent, my first vaporizer that I've ever used. I also have noticed that the high feels cleaner. It's hard to pin down but it's a different high than I get from smoking a joint. I use it mostly for a daytime high. It's new to me so I'm still experimenting with it.
i completely agree with both of these statements.. i have an extreme q and i've used it maybe a handful of times at most..
the high is very different than any form of smoking cannabis, much weaker imvho, and i don't really enjoy it.. my vape has been under my bed collecting dust for about 2 years now..


New Member
Awesome. Thanks for the replies. It is interesting how people seem to describe the high in a similar way. Does the strain's characteristics still come through? What about using different temperatures? I don't like the vape I have right now, partly because it's very dirty and I just don't know how to clean it. My grasshopper will be here in the next month or so.

It's kinda cool that we can smoke pot in so many different ways and get different affects out of it. I saw some of that "clear concentrate" at the Emerald Cup this year and it looked interesting, if a bit intimidating to be honest. The guy demoing it looked... Fded up. Seriously stoned. So far the highest I've been was from eating some huge brownies and drinking a few shots of whiskey at the same time. I ate a lot of licorice and tortilla chips, convinced I could see the beautiful mexican woman grinding the corn at sunset near the corn fields. This after my brother finally convinced me I could in fact get up and walk. This guy at the booth on other hand looked way past that.

So many vaporizers are on the market these days, it's just exploding with new products. Curious what someone will come up with next as a way to consume.


bud bootlegger
eating cannabis by far gets me f$cked up the most, hands down, not even close..
second would be a bong, third tied with a bowl / joint, and lastly i'd say a vape..


Well-Known Member
I was always a joint smoker. bongs and pipes were only used just until i could find some papers.

at first, a vape high was ok but it only got me where i wanted to be after using a lot more pot than usual. now i have a unit with a bag and i love the vape high. after 40 some odd years of toking, i found a high i like as much as the joint.

i bought my first vape in 98 or 99. it used 5 or 6 inch, thin test tubes. you'd put pot in the test tube and put the tube into the unit to heat it, then use a something to take a hit. I wish I remember the name of the guy who made it. I'd like to see if he is still in business.

I bought a da Buddha a few years ago. I liked it, but the heat on the back of the throat was too much and it made my lungs hurt, so I got an ice bong to vape through. it became a hassle setting up, and pulling hard on a 21" or 12" ice bong through water a bunch of times a day is not good for my old lungs.

so now I have an arizer extreme Q. I got it for the bag. I love it. I haven't smoked a joint since I got it a few days ago.

i can finally say i use less pot using a vape and that i consistently get gloriously high. only took 15 years or so. :)

i definately get what you guys are saying about a lighter/cleaner high than with a bong or joint. i said it for years. too light a high for my tastes. i don't know why but now i'm loving the high and i'm using no more than i usually would.

lucky me i guess.


Well-Known Member
I've been a joint smoker since the early 70's. Ever since I started using cannabis I've always preferred joints. How does the taste of a vaping-bag compare to a joint? The taste from my Ascent is good at temps lower than about 400F, then any temps over tend to start having that "vaped" taste. It's a trade off- low temps good taste low vapor production; higher temps bad taste high vapor production. I have gotten a very good high from vaping a few times but it almost seems like its hit or miss. I am very new to vaping so I'm sure I need to dial in my technique and find the temps that get me where I want to be. I just don't know if I could ever get used to inhaling from a plastic bag.
I used to love puffing on a joint or blunt. So relaxing and chill method of smoking. I was the blunt master in my day. :D Or so I like to think. Since my younger years I have developed respiratory problems so it is vape only for me now. I use a Silver Surfer Vaporizer. After almost exclusively vaporizing for quite some time now every time I take a toke of smoke it takes like absolute shit. No matter how high quality and good the bud tastes. Vapor tastes 100x better than smoke. I also noticed the medicinal effects to be much greater with the vaporizer with heavy appetite stimulation and heavy relaxation and sedation onset after a couple of hours. For me, these seem to be greatly amplified as opposed to combustion. I also noticed a higher presence of anxiety and uneasy feeling associated with my high while smoking as opposed to vaporizing.

It's funny because with my friends I get mixed reports. When they come hang out some don't want to hit the silver surfer because it ruins their day(fucks em right up). Others claim they just aren't getting as high as they would like to be. The wife does not like to vape as she claims to not feel the same effects of a good ol fashioned bong rip. For me it is the opposite. I get much more stoned from vaporizing than from smoking, but maybe that is because my lungs will only allow me a small portion of smoke to be inhaled over x amount of time as opposed to vaporizing.

Before purchasing the SSV I borrowed 2 vaporizers from 2 friends. The Volcano and the SSV. I also had the pleasure to use my father in laws Extreme-Q at family breakfasts/brunches(lucky ikr?). Ultimately I chose the SSV because it was considerably cheaper than the volcano and I really really really really really dislike the bags from the Volcano. I cannot stress how much I dislike the bags. That big ass bag attachment thing just kills the feng shui up in here. The downside to the SSV is that the learning curve is steep in comparison to the volcano. There are many finnicky variables that determine how good of a vapor hit you will receive from the surfer while the volcano seemed to just give good vapor every time no matter what.


Well-Known Member
I have one of those grasshoppers coming from Indiegogo soon, but I don't have much vaping experience. I do have one of those big ones with a tube you plug to a bag or just take hits from the hose. Sounds like a damn hive of bees though.

Was reading through some articles about which compounds activate, etc at which temperatures. Also ran into some which if you use concentrates with can screw up your lungs? They basically looked like crack pipes though which I figure is why (just not meant for concentrates).

Full disclosure is I am also working on a research paper around vaporizers. How they've changed, when they were created, became popular, which ones people prefer & why, etc. It's one of the reasons I bought the Grasshopper (plus i just thought it looked awesome).

Personally I like edibles, lotions, oils, etc. I'm hoping the grasshopper works out for me.
For me the issue with vaporizers is the reliability and cost, but with legislation here and coming, prices should fall, build quality 'should' rise ....?


New Member
I've heard a bunch of people say the same thing around "hit or miss".

Anyone know of a "how to vape" guide? Like what temps to use for a specific kind of high/taste/etc, or how to get more "hits" than misses?

Reply to Vostok:

Vaporizers are a massively growing product right now. I've been working on researching the whole vaporizer trend in general. You can check out my report I am working on if interested:

I still have more work to do on it (plus it's not edited for spelling, etc). The report shows how interest in vaporizers has increased over the years in relation to searches on google and specific keywords.
After forty years of growing and combusting in all forms I am now a vapour convert. I have a V tower which was my first but since the arrival last spring of my Arizer Solo the desk top gets no use now. Love the rips from my Solo and have no issues getting as high as desired. Big pluses are virtually no smell in room or on me and very little herb is used. When I do rarely take a hit from a joint I can't believe the nasty gases I am inhaling. Yet I will do a blast of my water hash or oil I sometimes make using one of my many pipes just for the convenience and speed. Vapour technology is just booming these days and it is getting better all the time. Do your research and you will be rewarded!! Positive vibes.