Are seeds produced from hermies useless?


Well-Known Member
Im a small grower, i have a few plants so each get a good daily gaze of attention. The odd bannana and seed is very controllable to me, too many would just put me off the strain but every strain ive grown has hermied a tiny bit so who knows. If i were a large scale grower these few bannanas and seeds would piss me off.

Too small growers they are a rare journey into basic genetics and a good source of grade a bud although they have been given a bad name by large scale growers that for obvious reasons arent as viable grow-wise.

I always have more than one selfed plant in each grow, to my knowledge if i crossbreed two S1 plants of same strain different parents i believe the resulting seed would be better or just as viable to grow.

Im stoned and may not be totally right but i sure like the advice to plant and grow them as you might be suprised at what you get...