Are my plants dying or is this normal? (Pics)


Active Member
The first three pictures are Feminized supergirls (9 plants total) under 2 - 400 W HPS. No nutes have been added as they are only 3 weeks old. Ther germination kits sit in Mesh pots filled with pebbles which sit in 10 gallon reserviors filled with purified water. The lower leaves are yellow and brown and look dead. The top leaves look healthy. Is this normal? And when should I begin to add nutes?

The second set of three pictures are 4 feminized supergirls in an aerogarden with 2 additional 100 W CFLs. They are in their 4th week and are in the same area as the above plants. However, I mistakenly added nutes after the first week which obviously gave them nute burn. I flushed immediately and they have been in distilled water ever since. These plants seem to be having the same side effects.

The temp is consistently between 85-90 as my intake/exhaust system is really shitty. Could this be the problem? Look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible so these girls don't die!



Well-Known Member
The first three pictures are Feminized supergirls (9 plants total) under 2 - 400 W HPS. No nutes have been added as they are only 3 weeks old. Ther germination kits sit in Mesh pots filled with pebbles which sit in 10 gallon reserviors filled with purified water. The lower leaves are yellow and brown and look dead. The top leaves look healthy. Is this normal? And when should I begin to add nutes?

The second set of three pictures are 4 feminized supergirls in an aerogarden with 2 additional 100 W CFLs. They are in their 4th week and are in the same area as the above plants. However, I mistakenly added nutes after the first week which obviously gave them nute burn. I flushed immediately and they have been in distilled water ever since. These plants seem to be having the same side effects.

The temp is consistently between 85-90 as my intake/exhaust system is really shitty. Could this be the problem? Look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible so these girls don't die!
alrighty...let's begin

Have you checked the PH of your water?

What is it?

You need to get your temps down a bit lower.

You need to supply your little girls with SOME nutes at this stage, but BE CAREFUL. Looks like you've already been down the nute burn road, so I would suggest starting very small.

I start very small from the very beginning and build them up. Try something like 50ppm to stop the yellowing. You seem to be experiencing some N defeciency, possible lock out from PH and definitely some nute burn (but you know about that one already)

The key is to get your house in order as early as possible. Get your temps under control, make sure ph is in the right range, your watering schedule is good and later on you'll need some odor control.

You're on the right track though.


Well-Known Member
get some cal/mag man... def looks like you had some nute burn. but otherwise im thinking MG def. go to walmart.. they have reverse osmosis water gallons for 1.60 each then you can take the same gallon jugs back anytime and getum re-filled for 33 cents... im doin soil. but i gues itd help the hydro grower out better then me.....Pe@ce.


Well-Known Member
First of all once u establish a healthy root zone, u can have nutes at any strength that the light will allow. If u start under CFL's then u cant run over 800ppm because the plants dont have enough light to convert the nutes to energy. Under 2 400watts u should be feeding between 1000 and 1400ppm after one to two weeks. Pending on what nutes u are using of course. Some organic brands can read 1400 but only be putting 500ppm worth of actual available nutes. Personally I suggest using descent chemical nutes for hydro.


Active Member
The PH is 6.0. However, the water seems a little warmer than it should be due to the higher temps (85-90). I am going to remedy the temps right now. I am going to be using Envy A+B nutes. Where can I get a PPM Meter? I am not around a Hydro store.


Well-Known Member
most anywhere that sells water softener
stuff will have it or should. found mine at wall mart 12.00


Active Member
I now have a legitimate exhaust/intake system. The temp has been steady at 80. I added 1/4 of the recommended nutes as everyone has said to start them slowly. PH fluctuated a little but got it back up with some PH up. Between 6.0 and 6.5 in all three of my reservoirs.

I understand the nute burn in the latter 3 pictures of my first post. Those are in a seperate reservoir and I fed them nutes too early. But as for the three former pictures (first three posted above) what is the problem? Is that a specific nute defeciency? Will adding 1/4 of ENVY A + B help that out?

Any ideas where to get a PPM meter? No hydro store around.


Well-Known Member
look around the water softener stuff or the water filter system stuff. They didn't have one for weeks when i started looking then there was one. i grabbed it. so you might have to ask them to get one in for you. It is a Intelli TEC ppm meter.good luck with them dummies.You might get lucky andfind it the first time.


Active Member
I added nutes (1/4 of recommended dosage) They are in their 29th day and they really took the nutes well. They have all nearly doubled in size and look very healthy. Even the ones in the AG that were looking miserable are looking much better.

One thing I need to fix: I have a comforter hanging on from the wall with no reflective material hanging from it. I feel like I am losing a big chunk of potential reflection. Any ideas?

Also, I need to seal a couple of windows to keep all of the light out. What are the best tools to use for this? Right now I have blankets ducktaped but some light still seeps through. I will have to fix this before the flowering period.

So, this being my first grow, when should I begin the flowering period? Should I go sto 18/6 or ween it down?

I am looking for any advice on my next steps.



Well-Known Member
a hardware store 6 mill black plastic for light. space blamket or they call them emergency blankets now about 2 bucks 6mill is a little spendy but worth it in the long run. If you turn off your grow lights or raise them way high when you take pics they will look allot better

cfl grow 016.jpg
cfl grow 015.jpg


Active Member
17 days old.
Easy riders from amsterdamseedco.
germed in rock wool cubes.
temp is steady around 80 day and 70 night
I germed with 1/4 strength of gen hydroponic nutes.
2x two foot fluorescent grow lights
humidity is low 20%. real dry in CO

What could have caused them to grow so slow and stunted?

any help would be so appreciated.


Active Member
I am not sure what the problem is. I've never heard of or used nutes while germinating. Perhaps you should start your own thread as this is my first grow and I don't think I'll be much help. But I'll keep an ear out...


Active Member
So these have really bloomed over the past 2 weeks. I've been slowly increasing the nutes. As you can see in the pictures there are still some rugged looking leaves (from earlier nute burn and ph imbalance) should I get rid of them?

There are a few new leaves that are developing some white and some red spots. Any ideas?

Most of these plants are 5 weeks along and 4 of them are 6 weeks along. When do I begin to cut back on 24 hours of light?

Also, are these plants to close together? There are a total of 13 plants but I feel the reservoir does not allow them enough room.

There is some weird curling going on as well.

