Are my leaves turning yellow because of miricle grow soil?

So its my first time growing and I have three babies 2 weeks old. Two of them and one especially is showing alot of yellowing on the leaves already. I have read that means either a deficiency or an overabundance of nutrients. Since they are young and haven't been using fert is it safe to assume it is because I am using Miracle Grow soil? The only other thing I did was sprinkle a little cinnamon on the wet soil because I herd this deters insects. Thanks in Advance.


Active Member
did you flush the miracle grow before putting the plants in it?
I've heard you can get away with using miracle grow but you should flush it first.
Also does your pot have proper drainage i.e. when you water does it quickly run through and out the bottom?
If not it could also be caused by the roots soaking constantly in water.
I did not flush. How would I do that? It could be the water. I have watered them almost daily but always very conservatively. 1 Plant looks 100% healthy and fine. Should I not water for a few days and see what happens?


as far as watering, you should wait until the soil is dry before you water again. stick ur finger about 2 inches down into the soil (on the side of the pot, so that u dont damage anything) if it's dry then water. I water every 2-3 days. I also use miracle grow, and my plants seem to be doing well.

Waiting until the soil is dry insures that your roots are growing more and covering more area in order to find moisture in the soil.

also, what kind of water are you using?
I was using tap water that has been sitting out for a few hours. Yeah now that I have been doing some more reading today I see that I maybe was overzelously watering even if I thought the soil was dry I should have watered less often.

Fortunately they were just grown from some Mid seeds. I just got some White Widow seeds from and they are just starting to sprout out of the soil so now I will make sure and not water them as often and see where this leads us.


Well-Known Member
I'm using MG as well and have had different problems as I have gone on. I don't check my PH but I think that MG fluctuates a lot. The nutes don't last 3 months consistently. I had to start feeding with nutes because they started to yellow about week 3. But not all of them just some.

I'm almost 4 weeks into flower and still have problems with some but not all. To see what I've dealt with check out my journal there is a link in my sig.


Well-Known Member
I was using tap water that has been sitting out for a few hours. Yeah now that I have been doing some more reading today I see that I maybe was overzelously watering even if I thought the soil was dry I should have watered less often.

Fortunately they were just grown from some Mid seeds. I just got some White Widow seeds from and they are just starting to sprout out of the soil so now I will make sure and not water them as often and see where this leads us.
1st off it is probably your soil. Using MG is a crapshoot. Works good for some, its a nightmare for others. 2nd a few hours is NOT ENOUGH. It can take several days for the chlorine to evaporate. I put an airstone in my water and oxygenate it for at least 3 days in a 5 gallon jug. Makes oxygen rich chlorine free H2O. I give it to all my house plants.
3rd seems like all the beginners do too much. Watering that is. Use MORE water LESS often. Soak em good, then let them dry out. Lift your pot after watering. Lift your pot when its dry. you will get used to the weight of it and know whether or not it needs water. this method works really good. A dry pot weighs SIGNIFICANTLY less than a freshly watered one.
Having said that dont let your sprouts dry out! they need constant moisture in sprout stage.
Happy growing and good luck!
love the heft method for water, thanks for the tip that is perfect for me.

will a Brita water filter get out the chlorine or where can I get air stone?


Well-Known Member
love the heft method for water, thanks for the tip that is perfect for me.

will a Brita water filter get out the chlorine or where can I get air stone?
No dont trust any filter for that, unless you have an expensive multi-stage whole house filter. Get an airstone for a few bucks at any pet store, or any store with pet fish supplies. Once you have an air stone you can start making your own organic tea (fertilizer) too. Its a good tool for any MJ grower.
There are lots of tea recipes in the organics forum. :peace::joint:


Active Member
ya im using MG organic choice soil, and i have the same problem, my plants are turning yellow and the leaves seem to be drying... i just flushed my soil yesterday, expecting them to turn around, but you never know i suppose. this is my first grow as well, didn't expect it to be this complicated to be honest, all of you expert growers amaze me. anyway for me to become an apprentice to one of u? lol GL with your grow man, i hope it does a turn around, wish me luck with mine