are fan leaves supposed to die off?


Well-Known Member
hey guys, i have recently pruned a lot of lower fan leaves to promote air circulation and promote branching and new growth.

i noticed a lot of lower fan leaves dying off by themselves, is this natural?
at first i was worried, but the lower fan leaves seem kind of useless.

i would appreciate any opinions on this matter


Well-Known Member
dont cut any fan leaves if they are green even if they are not getting light because they store your plants nutrients. when they have totally died then it is a good idea to cut them off. Without them you are going to have less bud


Well-Known Member
thanks man, i didnt cut most off until 50% dead. but is it healthy for them to be dying off on their own?
i have already lost 4-8 fan leaves per plant, it seems like the plant is doing fine but just making sure it aint dying of something crazy that i dont even know about



Active Member
Its natural for them to fall off as long as they are turning yellow and gradually dying off, while in the latter stages of flower, but during veg, if this is happening, I would say either a nitrogen deficiency or not enough light is reaching them, or it could be both, it really depends on how old the plant is, or how far along it is in its physiological development. If the plant is growing a couple inches a day and branching like crazy, then I wouldn't worry about a couple of leaves.


Well-Known Member
i will post pics very very soon moto.
xochipili-i am in the very late stages of veg, starting flowering next week prolly. the plants seem to have slowed growth a little bit, seeming to focus a little more on branching and growing a couple inches 1 or 2 days out of the week. could be a combination of insufficient light and N deficiency, but i guess til i get pics up the call is on me. DAMN


Active Member
Hey if you sprouting a couple of dozen new leaves every day or so and all you lost is some lower leaves, no big E.