Aquarium water


Well-Known Member
so i already have my water for my fish tank PHed about 6.5 which is awesome for soil plants. every 2 weeks or so i have to take out about half of the water in the fish tank (mainly of the bottom where all the crap is) and replace it with fresh clean water. has anybody ever tried to water your plants with aquarium water? i figured that there are a lot of nutes in my water from the plants, to the fish shit, and oils. think it will be beneficial if i was to water my plants with this water? call me stoned but i think it has a chance of being beneficial:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
It is, quite a bit so. But it does depend on what you feed them! You only really get what they excrete.


Active Member
I dumped all the water from water changes on my 150 gallon tank into the backyard, right onto a small thistle. At the end of the summer it had grown into a small tree with a stalk thicker than my wrist. Feed em bloodworms and hikari food, I'd say it works wonders, does smell. Which is why I don't add it into my hydro system, just outside.


Well-Known Member
If you do a search for guppyponics you'll find there are people out there with recirculating systems that pass water between aquariums and hydroponics systems.
IMHO there are too many foriegn substances in dirty nasty fish water that i'd rather not give my plants, but hey, some people do it.