Aquarium Water PH ADJUSTING


Active Member
hey guys first grow seedling on day 5 i came across people using fish tank water for their plants which apparently work great for veg becuase of the nitrates in the water, my only question is, because i keep tropicals (cichlids) my ph is at 8, can i still use the water if i buy ph down and use it my resovoir before adding to my plant?



Well-Known Member
yes you can, used to do that myself with a house plant, it flowered and that only happens once in a blue moon i was told, go for it.


I also have chiclids (breeding tank) PH only measures the acid/base level. The nitrogen cycle also produces other byproducts that can only be neutralized by bacteria. EACH Tank is it's own environment, so one person's experience is not an indication of what you might see.

I use distilled water (open container for 48 hours) and check the PH of the water occasionally. Mine is around 7. Tap water seldom changes PH levels.

I use a small percentage (20%) of peat in my soil mix to keep PH low, initially. This will eventually need additional treatment. I use buffer 6.5 in small amounts in distilled water when needed. Works great!