Appeals court: Obamacare unconstitutional


Well-Known Member
the insurance industry has paid off many people to get this shot down, another win for big business and most of the retards in this country are brainwashed into thinking this is a good thing, it's not..we should mimic canada's healthcare system


Well-Known Member
This is not a win of any kind. Is it a win every time a court rules that it is Constitutional? Because a lot more courts have upheld the law than have not.

Anyone can look that up if they want.


Well-Known Member
In case you missed it, this happened a few weeks ago. They probably didn't cover it much on FoxNews.

CINCINNATI (AP) — In the first ruling by a federal appeals court on President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, a panel in Cincinnati affirmed Wednesday that Congress can require Americans to have minimum insurance coverage.

The most important part of today’s Sixth Circuit decision upholding the Affordable Care Act isn’t what the court said, although the court’s rejection of this utterly meritless challenge is quite significant. The most important part of today’s decision is who made it.

Judge Jeffrey Sutton is a George W. Bush appointee and a former law clerk to conservative Justice Antonin Scalia. He served as an officer in the conservative Federalist Society’s Federalism and Separation of Powers practice group, and was one of the nation’s leading crusaders for expanding the role of the states at the federal government’s expense. Prior to becoming a judge, Sutton devoted much of his career to preventing people with disabilities, religious minorities, and even children who are illegally deprived of Medicaid coverage from holding states accountable in federal court — even successfully arguing major states’ rights cases in the Supreme Court. So he is exactly the kind of person who would be extremely sympathetic to the conservative claim that the Affordable Care Act exceeds Congress’ lawful authority.
Might want to hold off on those Party Hats..........

Big P

Well-Known Member
lol you guys it was a democrate judge who deemed it unconstitutional

read the damn Constitution, its in english!!!!! lol

the individual mandate is unconstitutional, if you dont like America's constitution then move to Cuba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



Well-Known Member
And a Conservative Judge in Cincinnati said it is Constitutional. Not sure if you even have a point but knock yourself out if you think this means anything.


Well-Known Member
Sorry man, but the law is going to be upheld. You are just going to have to get a job and get your own insurance. No more free loading for you.

The Mandate is a Conservative principle first mentioned by Nixon. You can look that up to. George Bush and Newt have both endorsed them while in office.

You ever take history?


Well-Known Member
P hasn't shown his face in the politics section for months in shame.....

this means nothing. the case has already been appealed to the supreme court, they have the final say.

until then appeals judges can try and sound important all they want.... it doesn't change anything b/c the rest of the law is upheld. only the individual mandate is affected, and it doesn't change anything because that doesn't go into effect until 2014, purposefully, so the supreme court can decide whether it's constitutional or not.....

so much for a HUGE victory.... it's more like a stepping stone... but don't be mistaken:

the health care overhaul is still in full swing as planned.... lol....