Anyone weirded out leaving a grow shop?


Well-Known Member
Whenever I needed to go to a hydro store, I took a bus to the one across town wearing borrowed glasses, and clothing unlike what I typically wear.. Then I'd hop on the bus again, and go to the mall where I'd walk around for half an hour or so, then bus to another mall and do the same.. After that I'd feel safe going home unless something seemed fishy..
One great thing about busses is they are hard to tail in a vehicle without a vigilant person noticing.. The only time I was ever worried using this method was by a cyclist.. He tagged along with the bus for quite a while, but then disappeared, and I didn't notice a replacement.. I'm overkill happy.. I doubt the police would set up some kind of cia type tails for a smalltime grower..
Actually, I wouldn't even post in these forums if I was currently growing.. Not that I'm criticizing, I doubt it ever would be an issue without alot of other sloppiness, but I'm a protocol driven guy..
It starts with posting on pot forums..
It continues by going straight home from the hydro store..
It ends by thinking you can suppliment your 1K hps by opening curtains to let in sunlight..:)


Well-Known Member
Whenever I needed to go to a hydro store, I took a bus to the one across town wearing borrowed glasses, and clothing unlike what I typically wear.. Then I'd hop on the bus again, and go to the mall where I'd walk around for half an hour or so, then bus to another mall and do the same.. After that I'd feel safe going home unless something seemed fishy..
One great thing about busses is they are hard to tail in a vehicle without a vigilant person noticing.. The only time I was ever worried using this method was by a cyclist.. He tagged along with the bus for quite a while, but then disappeared, and I didn't notice a replacement.. I'm overkill happy.. I doubt the police would set up some kind of cia type tails for a smalltime grower..
Actually, I wouldn't even post in these forums if I was currently growing.. Not that I'm criticizing, I doubt it ever would be an issue without alot of other sloppiness, but I'm a protocol driven guy..
It starts with posting on pot forums..
It continues by going straight home from the hydro store..
It ends by thinking you can suppliment your 1K hps by opening curtains to let in sunlight..:)

Do you worry about God watching when you masturbate?

Does your dead grandma know about that time when you watched your sister naked in the shower?

Did you go home and change clothes after the time you jaywalked?

Do helicopters frequently fly above your house and linger there?

Remember that time when you wanted to see if you could really poke your eye out with a fork?

I have so many questions for you :hump:


Well-Known Member
after im done with this grow(first grow, closet, CFL) I'm gonna do hydro with tomatoes and peppers. while im growing veggies i'll buy all the shit i need for a nice grow setup...MH , HPS, PH & PPM meters, good ventilation fans. then after a couple months i'll mix in like one MJ plant. that way they can try and bust me all they want right after i buy the stuff but if all i got is some tomato plants growing then i'm just gonna laugh at them
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dirt nasty

Active Member
i'm not worried about it at all. the hydro shop is a block away and i have a pepper garden and some corn growing as well. plus my plants are in a secret jardin so im not worried about the heat guns and wat not.


Well-Known Member
I grow tomatoes on the side. Not really as a cover, I just enjoy growing. Plus it really helps out with roomates that don't know, especially when I am abset minded and tend to leave a few bottles around. It's hard to explain why you have hydroponic solution lying around when they don't know about the plants.

As far as paranoia goes, I just view it like this. Whenever I go to the hydro shop, there is always at least one other person there. The place is staying in business, so they must be selling things. Lets low ball it and say that ten people on average show up to the hydro shop a day. Over a week that would make 60 people (assuming no repeats, and my shop is closed on sunday). If we would low ball it again and say that only 50% of them grow our kind of crop (and we all know it's more than that), that makes 30 people that are growing and buying things from the hydro store. I keep an eye on the news around here, just because I find it interesting. I havn't seen anyone get busted for growing pot in over six months around here. If the cops were going to be hanging around the hydro shop, my guess is more than one person every six months would get caught. And usually that person that gets caught is from an 'annonomous tip' (b/c someone can't keep their mouth shut), or a weird coincidence like your wall falling down or your house catching on fire, and when the authorities respond they find pot. that kinda thing. So don't freak out and panic, as long as you arn't a big drug dealer, then you might need to worry, lol.

but the way I see it, buying hydro supplies has a much smaller chance of getting caught then if you were in the streets buying the drugs. And with a store you knwo you will get your product, with a dealer you don't know you may end up getting robbed, or worse. So the alternative is to not grow, but that is actually more dangerious.

Just the way i see it though


Well-Known Member
Do you worry about God watching when you masturbate?

Does your dead grandma know about that time when you watched your sister naked in the shower?

Did you go home and change clothes after the time you jaywalked?

Do helicopters frequently fly above your house and linger there?

Remember that time when you wanted to see if you could really poke your eye out with a fork?

I have so many questions for you :hump:
As brilliantly written as that is, sorry I'm not that kind of paranoid.. I'm calculated in most things I do.. Its not particularily a hassle if I need stuff from malls anyway..
No I wouldn't want to involve my car though, because this is a camera happy world.. If I was going to drive there, I might as well pay with my credit card and ask if they do air-miles..
The rest as I said is overkill, so if anything did happen, atleast I'd be able to sleep knowing that I took every precaution I could think of..

Land of the Free?

Well-Known Member
I was scared at first, but after going in a few times I actually like going there.

I have a card that permits me medicinal use however, what makes me scared is the Federal Govt. They are like the Old Fashioned Great Great Grandpa that will never die, and will uphold their out dated rules and regs till the death even on majority rule.
We the people of California voted on prop 215 by legal means, yet majority rule is wiped off that slate when the dispenseries are shut down.

I'm still waiting for true Liberty, and Justice. No man should ever be imprisoned for the use of controversial substance or alternative medicines. We should be judged on our actions, not what we consume.

What about using and posting pics on this website? Does anyone fear an investigation of personal info on this site? Welp thats why my profile name is "Land of the free?", because they say we are while still convicting people that are doing it legal. State and Federal control is confusing and doesnt make sense. Well as long as the state of CA backs me up on this, I'll stand up for my right and speak out.

Well thats my short rant. Please let me live Govt. I just want peace, serenity, and Liberty to pursue happiness. I don't want to kill, or steal, so what s the deal?


Well-Known Member
I take the bus to the hydro store, and if im coming home with something big (bale of soil etc.) they just drive me home. Probably a little heat, but i figure that cops want to bust big time growers, not some asshole who only puts out a couple oz a month.
If i lived in the states, or the UK with all thier cameras, i might be a little more paranoid, but seriously, even if i do get popped, its my chance to fight the pot laws, which are full of holes. I'm in this for life, they'll never stop me!!!


Well-Known Member
Cultivation laws in canada aren't so full of holes unless the volume is really personal, and you successfully argue down to possesion.. Possesion is a joke in Canada, but intent tacked onto that changes everything.. I'd find a way to post-package that you can take on the bus.. If its just not possible, I would get a ride somewhere not your home, where you can stash the product, and return to that spot with a means of transportation..
Last thing you need is to get burned because Mr store owner has agreed to be a dick to reduce his own charges etc.. Honestly, I dunno if I'd even shop there again if they offered to drive me home.. I like hydro-store ppl who keep things nice & arms length, and basically give you shit if you say too much yourself..
Get yourself a hockey equipment duffle bag.. You can fit anything except hydro tables in that, and won't look too out of place on a bus at all.. I took it a step further, I would bus to a mall, and get lost in there for a while before re-bussing home..