Anyone..make my plant taller???

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
Im growing 3 plants with a flourecent 4' light tubes. I know its not the best but they seem to be taking it well. They are 5 weeks in veg or so and about 2-2.5' tall. Im running out of room left to right they are getting crowed how do i get them to start streching out or growing less wide. My bulb combination is 2-T8 natural sunlight and 2-T8 cool white. Any buddy have any experience with this kind of bulb asortments or recommendations for me please???? Thinking about going to 12--12 soon maybe couple wks.

Happy smokin'bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
lol, well put all the light to the top and i guess thats all u can do but if u do that the under leaves will be light deprived.... id say put the tubes or w/e u have vertically against the walls, nothin u can rly do unless u move to a bigger area

and when you flower itl grow another foot or more vertically


Active Member
you could go and put them into flowering now if there that big. when you actually put them in flowering there gonna get bigger. i would put them into flowering, wait to sex them, then kill the males to make room. but if the leaves are just touching a bit its ok i have seen pictures were the plants look cramed in and they do ok. good luck

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
Ya i noticed the first one i did got bigger for the first few weeks of flowering, but what would you guys do for bulbs then if i flower it.