Anyone Know?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
dont know the strain.
but a forensic expert might be able to tell who u r by downloading the finger prints on your hand.


New Member
Looks like some kind of marijuana. Geeze it's bad enough when people ask what strain their plant from bag seed is!

But if I had to guess I would have to say it is definately watchamacallit kush from whoseit seed bank.


Well-Known Member
Sigh...yea we are psychic and can tell you what it is by looking at shity pictures, and not even smelling it. We're that damn good at this.



Well-Known Member
Deff a hybrid of Mexican dirt weed crossed with Mexican ditch weed. Looks about 20/80 indica/sativa. It has a nice pungent aroma, spicy & sweet @ the same time.. Usually harvests in 8 to 9 weeks & is grown preferably in hydro. This strain tends to stretch during beginning of bloom more than most strains so be aware. A great energetic high with good psycoactive properties. anything else you wanna know?


Active Member
Deff a hybrid of Mexican dirt weed crossed with Mexican ditch weed. Looks about 20/80 indica/sativa. It has a nice pungent aroma, spicy & sweet @ the same time.. Usually harvests in 8 to 9 weeks & is grown preferably in hydro. This strain tends to stretch during beginning of bloom more than most strains so be aware. A great energetic high with good psycoactive properties. anything else you wanna know?
Raw my man looks to me like you nailed it on the head, that's exactly what I get from looking at it

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
You grow a strain long enough and yeah sort of, you st
the truth is thats not even cannabis. its a herb grown in the most southern part of Chile. some times used for cooking, but mainly used to stuff
old time voodoo dolls. old time witch craft, which was very popular in the early 70s is now making a strong come back.
being that the op has those herbs in his hand leads me to believe only one thing......


Active Member
the truth is thats not even cannabis. its a herb grown in the most southern part of Chile. some times used for cooking, but mainly used to stuff
old time voodoo dolls. old time witch craft, which was very popular in the early 70s is now making a strong come back.
being that the op has those herbs in his hand leads me to believe only one thing......
I said sort of, ill explain I have grown same pheno, strain for 3 years or so of my AK. They all look nearly exactly same and smell same all clones from clones so on. I trim the same nearly everytime so I can 9 out of 10 times at least guess when your holding my nugg of my ak, although need a ehiff as well
this is definitely weed....its actually crazy strong too i pulled the nug apart and i saw just a clusterfuck of crystals lol i love it its dank as hell


Active Member
this is definitely weed....its actually crazy strong too i pulled the nug apart and i saw just a clusterfuck of crystals lol i love it its dank as hell
im really really sorry i have to be a dick here, im usually not a dick at all. so like i said, i apologize in advance for saying this.

you are definitely an idiot.

ps your weed looks dirty. your friend lied when he said it was good

Doc Holliday

Active Member
can anyone in the world really tell a strain by looking at it
When I usually order from a seed bank and get the few off chance randoms, I can take some-what of an educated guess at the very least as to what I got. But yes, it's impossible to identify strains such as in this way.
Ah, been to so many forums and this question is always answered with funny comments. haha., :-D