Anyone know what the hell this is?

So I purchased some seeds in a store, and one of them is growing like this, not sure what it is. I called the seed company and they said sometimes they grow mutants and just to leave it grow and it should straighten out, but by the looks of it there's no way in hell that this is a pot plant, it looks like a dandelion. And it will definitely not turn into a pot plant. I will not name the seed company though because they were very good to me when I expressed my concern again(were going to send me a free bag of seeds but I didn't want to same screen so he gave me a bag of white widow for half-price). Has anyone seen this?



New Member
Lmao I would be pissed that's a thistle plant bro all over where I'm from don't grow it! It will spread like wild fire if it flowers they grow pretty tall up to 6' but they are annoying and deadly to cows if they eat it get a refund!!
OK ha ha thanks guys that's what I thought, but when I saw what it was looking like when it was tiny my curiosity got the better of me so I let it keep growing. The garbage tomorrow


Well-Known Member
It may have been in the dirt already.. Dig around is your seed also in there? Could be a delayed pop
i cant tell if this is a joke.

edit: im calling you out. theres no way you dont know thats a common weed. this is not a house of lies!

I know it's a common Weed, I see that shit growing all over around where I live. It's quite obvious that it is not a pot plant, I was just curious if it was a common thing, I thought maybe they sent me some kind of random seed, but people are saying that it was something in the soil but apparently the soil I buy is sterile so I was just asking people's opinion out of curiosity haha I'm not retarded