Anyone know about Lowrider 2 X AK47?


Hello all,

I am a new grower and new to this website. I was considering growing a few Lowrider 2 X AK47 plants and I have a few questions about them....

Does anyone have any experience growing these dwarfs? Are they decent producers?

Can you clone a Lowrider 2?

:confused: Any help is much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
cant clone an autoflowering plant im afraid,
you need the vegative stage to clone, lowryders basically skip veg and go straight to flower,


Well-Known Member
grow yourself a bunch of them at once and have the pollinate each other to get seeds from the females, so then every 2 months u can just plant new seeds and grow them and pick out the males


Active Member
you can clone autoflowers, yes.

But it is a waste of time, the are geneticaly programmed to flower after a certain amount of time has elapsed since germing.

so if you take a cutting from a 6 week old plant, the cutting will expect to flower and finish when it is 2 or 3 weeks old.

that is, Iam sure you will agree, a waste of time and effort.

so technically you can take cuttings, but it is a pointless exercise.