Anyone into reef keeping?


I've been into the hobby of saltwater reef tanks for a few years now. Anyone else on RIU into sw reef or fish tanks? Just finished a 75 gallon closet sump tank I'm gonna plumb through the wall to a 65 gallon tall reef tank in the kitchen. The tanks been running for about a month now; I've spotted a bunch of amphipods and a few stomatella snails already off the ~40lbs of live rock that I cycled.

1200gph danner pump, aragonite DSB, aquaC remora pro protein skimmer, DIY auto-top-off from 5 stage RO/DI w/ reservoir, Current USA power compact fixture with dual 420nm/460nm actinic bulb, and dual 10,000kelvin/16,000kelvin daylight bulb.



Well-Known Member
Sweet! I have a 150 gallon fresh water aquarium! Will seeabout getting a few shots of my setup when I get the chance!


Well-Known Member
Sweet! I have a 150 gallon fresh water aquarium! Will seeabout getting a few shots of my setup when I get the chance!
when you "vacuum" your tank do you use the fish poo water on your plants?
If not you should, i've been doing it for years and they love it, especially if you are organic.
Only freshwater though, just thought i'd add that in case of any misunderstanding...