anyone have experience with bcbud depot


Well-Known Member
i want to pick up some seeds from these guys but im real sketch about the whole online seed they send stealth or do they not ship to the states....thanks for the info


Active Member
I would also like to know the deal with BCBD, wanted to grab some of Subs gear from them, Bidzbay and cannaseur carry Sub/TGA beans as well but alas I have never ordered from any of the above. Although I will give Dr.chronic 5/5, freebies galore!


Well-Known Member
stayt away from bcbud depot..they suck.... i have used 4 seed banks and bcbud depot is only one i will never use again..shitty service they send premature seeds 30% of my "feminized" seeds were males ... none of the seeds were marked and not in original packaging and i ordered 2 diff strains so who knows what i actually got and they shorted me seeds..took 4 weeks to get them to send my seeds they shorted me.... bc bud depot is garbage stay away... i had great expierence with planet and dr chronic all 3 places were quick and came in original packaging , high germ rate and stealthy ohhh free seeds aus blue with planet skunk... and free mystery seeds from marijuana .nl good luck:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i want to pick up some seeds from these guys but im real sketch about the whole online seed they send stealth or do they not ship to the states....thanks for the info
I've heard good thing's about..BC seed also ...there's Canadian hemp company. com

Nik Dynosaur

Active Member
that's disappointing to me. When i was a member at overgrow back in the day i was always absolutely awed and jealous of BOG's strains and anyone who was lucky enough to grow them. BCBud Depot is the only place i've seen that sells BOG's seeds and i would LOVE to get my hands on some. Are there any GOOD experiences with this site?


New Member
How old are the bog seeds ? Most likely years.

Why not read all the other " has anyone tried bc bud depot threads " before posting another thread asking the same question for like the 531 time ?



Well-Known Member
How old are the bog seeds ? Most likely years.

Why not read all the other " has anyone tried bc bud depot threads " before posting another thread asking the same question for like the 531 time ?

why not stay outta threads if you have a problem with it....nobody asked you to stop by and be a smartass......and i dont want info on them from a year ago......i want to know experiences now , since the owner is getting ready to be extridited to the states to serve some prison time for shipping seeds to the u.s.....shit like that really changes a companys rep from time to next time you want to come to a thread and try to be witty.....make sure your not an ignorant dipshit.....thanks for playing though...have a blessed day.......


New Member
Im not being a dip shit. Stop being lazy.

Bog stopped a couple of years ago. You would know that If you were not so lazy and didnt rely on other people doing your research. See I did It for you.

But go ahead and buy old seeds. See if If care.

Then I'll respond to your " my seeds didnt pop thread "

If you buy old seeds exepect to have problems. Lazy.

Your buying old seeds from a known crap distributor. But you would know that If you wernt so lazy , did some research and didnt rely on other people doing your work.


Well-Known Member
i wasnt looking for bog make no sense.......therefore......your a dipshit......have a good day

Rob Street

Active Member
The best seeds I've gotten were from
But they don't send to the states do you have someone who could send them to you out of the us?


Active Member
i just got my seeds from bc buddepot. took them 16 days. sent it in regular envelope plain paper


Active Member
I know i am a newb, but i am a regular on a couple other forums, and just had to chime in here. I dont know what the problems that BCBD has had in the past, but what ever it is, rest assured, it has been taken care of. They send out hundreds upon hundreds of orders, and each month, a few dont make it. (Hello people, this is CONTRABAND!) The cool thing about BCBD is that if you dont recieve it for ANY reason, they will replace with their bcbd stock. Not many other companies do this. I have personally ordered and recieved, within 2 weeks, 2 separate orders within the last year. Sweet God Rules!!!! Wow.

Nickfury is right!! If you have a problem with a question a member is asking that has been asked before, why the fuck would you click on it wasting your time??? You obviously have a lot of free time on your hands to be leaving mean and nasty namecalling posts.(tripolar) Saying someone is lazy for posting a question on a forum instead of doing research on your own is idiotic. That is what forums are FOR!!!!!! Otherwise we'd all just use google. I hope you are not representative of the other people on this site, or i wont be here long. Your maturity level indicates you are definately under 25 years old, and probably a teen ager. Am i right?? Check yourself and think about why you are calling other people names, and calling them stupid and lazy. Just cause your life sucks dosent mean you need to spread your nastiness to everyone else. tripolar is obviously bipolar. Ever hear of the golden rule??? You should try it, and your life will improve immeasurably.


Well-Known Member
I know i am a newb, but i am a regular on a couple other forums, and just had to chime in here. I dont know what the problems that BCBD has had in the past, but what ever it is, rest assured, it has been taken care of. They send out hundreds upon hundreds of orders, and each month, a few dont make it. (Hello people, this is CONTRABAND!) The cool thing about BCBD is that if you dont recieve it for ANY reason, they will replace with their bcbd stock. Not many other companies do this. I have personally ordered and recieved, within 2 weeks, 2 separate orders within the last year. Sweet God Rules!!!! Wow.

Nickfury is right!! If you have a problem with a question a member is asking that has been asked before, why the fuck would you click on it wasting your time??? You obviously have a lot of free time on your hands to be leaving mean and nasty namecalling posts.(tripolar) Saying someone is lazy for posting a question on a forum instead of doing research on your own is idiotic. That is what forums are FOR!!!!!! Otherwise we'd all just use google. I hope you are not representative of the other people on this site, or i wont be here long. Your maturity level indicates you are definately under 25 years old, and probably a teen ager. Am i right?? Check yourself and think about why you are calling other people names, and calling them stupid and lazy. Just cause your life sucks dosent mean you need to spread your nastiness to everyone else. tripolar is obviously bipolar. Ever hear of the golden rule??? You should try it, and your life will improve immeasurably.
hes not.......most of the people on here are real cool.....:hump:..welcome...:joint::mrgreen:.....


Well-Known Member
most of the people on here are real cool
I will 2nd that:leaf:

I never ordered from there (BCBD), but I got great service from Goldenseed,
and even tho they took a while, Dr Greenthumb were very cool On the Phone
and supplied tracking info etc.

All total I ordered 40 seeds and so far 7 of 7 cracked and are growing well.
Goldenseed was way stealthy too, and sent email with tracking info straight away.
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New Member
You guys make me giggle.

Did you get your beans Nick ? Sorry If you took me as being a smart ass. I just didnt want to see any more people waste their money on 2nd or 3rd class crap from the likes of nirvana, doc chronic and the rest of the 7/11's.

Check out Subcools strains on this site under organics. May I suggest vortex and querkle ?..................................... Your welcome.



Well-Known Member
Just spotted this

Seems that rollitup has a problem with them.
I don't know but I would be careful with my money if I were you.:joint:

And Tripolar...
Checked out subcool's strains and man what nice yet strange stuff they have!
I will be getting some from Bidzbay real soon.
Thank you
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